Report S530 - Supplier Work Days

Report S530 - Supplier Work Days

This report shows a calendar style view into suppliers' worked and non-worked days such as weekends and holidays for periods of up to 2 months.

Report content

The report creates a line per internal and/or external supplier. There is one column per calendar day and the day is highlighted if not worked (holidays, weekends...).

Internal suppliers are listed only if attributed services and having an active login. External suppliers are only listed if having an active login.

The indication of total worked days and total hours in the period is taken from the details supplied in the planning pages of a supplier or worker.


Screenshot of default template:

Global placeholders

These can be placed in any location in the Excel and are general properties applicable to all the report.

Placeholder nameDescription
<#StartDate>The start date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#EndDate>The end date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#GeneratedDate>The date when the report was generated.
Date columnsThe Excel shows one column per day. The following placeholders are used for the titles of these columns.

The year of the calendar day. For example 2017, 2018, etc. "DTY0" is the title of the first day in the date range. "DTY1" the second, and so on.

<#DTM0>...<#DTM61>The month of the calendar day. For example 7, 11, etc. "DTM0" is the title of the first day in the date range. "DTM1" the second, and so on.

The day and month abbreviation of the calendar day.

For example "20 Feb", "24 Dec" etc. "DTDM0" is the title of the first day in the date range. "DTDM1" the second, and so on.

<#DAY0>...<#DAY61>The day name of the calendar day. For example "Monday", "Tuesday" etc. "DAY0" is the title of the first day in the date range. "DAY1" the second, and so on.


Data rows and placeholders

Each row in the report corresponds to a job document. In other words, all information of a specific invoice will be contained in one single row.

The placeholders of the row must be placed within the Excel table range named "___Lines___" (3 leading and trailing underscore characters).  Click here for more details on table ranges.

A report prints the raw data in rows. Each row, you can use any of the following placeholders:


Placeholder nameDescription
Company detailsThe supplier's company.
<#Lines.IsExternal>Boolean true/false. True if the company is an external supplier. False if it is the platform's company (of internal workers).
<#Lines.Id>The unique company ID (number).
<#Lines.Company>The client company name.
<#Lines.Type>The project status title.
<#Lines.CountryCode>A three letter ISO country code.
<#Lines.Country>Country name.
<#Lines.TZ>The timezone code of the company.
<#Lines.TZMin>The timezone offset in minutes from UTC. For example: 60, 120, -360...
<#Lines.TZOffset>The timezone offset in easy readable form. For example: UTC+1, UTC-10....
<#Lines.AccountingCode>The company accounting code
<#Lines.City>The city.
<#Lines.Code>The company code (a free text field that can be supplied in the company details page).
<#Lines.ContactEmail>The company contact email.
<#Lines.ContactPhone>The company contact phone.
<#Lines.State>The company state if supplied.
<#Lines.Zip>The company zip code if supplied.
<#Lines.CCF1> ... <#Lines.CCF20>Company custom fields 1 to 20. Each of your custom fields has a numeric ID. Finding Custom Field ID
Person detailsFilled in if the line refers to an internal worker. For external suppliers all person fields are empty.
<#Lines.PersonId>The unique internal ID of the person.
<#Lines.PersonFirstName>Person first name.
<#Lines.PersonLastName>Person last name.
<#Lines.PersonCode>Person code as supplied in the person details page.
<#Lines.PersonRole>The person's role in the company.
<#Lines.PersonEmail>Person email address.
<#Lines.PersonPhone>Person phone.
<#Lines.PersonTitle>Person title such as Mr. or Mrs.
<#Lines.PCF1> ... <#Lines.PCF20>Person custom fields 1 to 20. Each of your custom fields has a numeric ID. Finding Custom Field ID 

Work time
<#Lines.DaysWorked>Total days worked.

Total hours worked. This takes into account the weekly work time information stored with each supplier.

However it does not take into account the (optional) time limitation set on an off day. A day is always counted in full.

Date columnsPer each calendar date, a column is added to Excel. The columns are numbered 0 for the first date and up to 61 for the last date





Column Lines.EVT0 corresponds to the first date in the selected date range. Column #1 to the second date, up to column #61 to the last date. This allows to display up to 2 months.

The content of each cell is:

  • Empty: The day is worked
  • W: Stands for a regular non-worked week day of a supplier. This typically denotes the weekends.
  • C: The supplier office (company) is closed or the supplier is simply unavailable.
  • P: The worker is not available.

 The cell may be suffixed with L to indicate that the off-day is restricted to specific languages (and matches the services in the row). Example:

  • C-L
  • P-L






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