Report S540 - Supplier Ratings

Report S540 - Supplier Ratings

This report shows the ratings of the supplier workers.

Report content

The report creates a line per internal and/or external supplier user (worker) and the average of the ratings associated with him/her.


Screenshot of default template:

Global placeholders

These can be placed in any location in the Excel and are general properties applicable to all the report.

Placeholder nameDescription
<#StartDate>The start date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#EndDate>The end date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#GeneratedDate>The date when the report was generated.

Data rows and placeholders

Each row in the report corresponds to a supplier user and the average of his/her ratings.

The placeholders of the row must be placed within the Excel table range named "___Lines___" (3 leading and trailing underscore characters).  Click here for more details on table ranges.

A report prints the raw data in rows. Each row, you can use any of the following placeholders:

Placeholder nameDescription
Supplier DetailsDetails concerning the supplier .
<#Lines.SupplierCompanyName>Supplier's company name
<#Lines.SupplierUserName>Supplier user name.
<#Lines.SupplierUserEmail>Supplier user Email.
RatingsThe average of all ratings for this supplier.
<#Lines.AverageGlobal>Average rating of all individual ratings across all categories.

Avarage ratings individually by category
<#Lines.Overall>Average ratings for "Overall" rating.
<#Lines.Quality>Average ratings for "Work quality" rating.
<#Lines.Efficiency>Average ratings for "Timeliness" rating.
<#Lines.Reliability>Average ratings for "Reliability" rating.
<#Lines.Complexity>Average ratings for "Text complexity" rating.
<#Lines.Difficulty>Average ratings for "Difficulty" rating.
<#Lines.Teamwork>Average ratings for "Team quality" rating.
<#Lines.Friendliness>Average ratings for "Friendliness" rating.
<#Lines.Challenge>Average ratings for "Challenge" rating.
<#Lines.PretranslationQuality>Average ratings for "Pretranslation" rating.
<#Lines.SourceTextQuality>Average ratings for "Source text quality" rating.
<#Lines.TranslationQuality>Average ratings for "Translation quality" rating.
<#Lines.Communication>Average ratings for "Communication" rating.
<#Lines.InstructionsRespect>Average ratings for "Adherence to instructions" rating.
<#Lines.LinguisticAnalysis>Average ratings for "Linguistic analysis" rating.
<#Lines.Recruitment>Average ratings for "Recruitment" rating.
<#Lines.Average>Average ratings across all categories.

How are ratings calculated?

Each cell in the report compiles the average rating for each category taking into account all assessed jobs during the requested period.

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