Report S700 - Project and Jobs labels

Report S700 - Project and Jobs labels

This report lists labels data, the number of occurrences, and the total number of segments

Report content

Each line contains information for a single label in a document.

When creating the report you select a date range and by which date you want to filter:


Screenshot of default template:

Global placeholders

These can be placed in any location in the Excel and are general properties applicable to all the report.

Placeholder nameDescription
<#StartDate>The start date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#EndDate>The end date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#GeneratedDate>The date when the report was generated.

Data rows and placeholders

Each row of the report corresponds to labels aggregations, In other words all information of a specific project and job label will be contained in one  single row.

The placeholders of the row must be placed within the Excel table range named "___Lines___" (3 leading and trailing underscore characters ).  Click here for more details on table ranges.

A report prints the raw data in rows. Each row, you can use any of the following placeholders:


Placeholder nameDescription
Project detailsThe project to which an document refers to.
<#Lines.ProjectReference>The project reference.
<#Lines.ProjectClient>The client company name.
Document detailsThe document that contains the segments
<#Lines.DocumentName>The document name
Job detailsEach report line refers to a specific job
<#Lines.JobSourceLocale>The source language ISO code. Note that the language names are localized.
<#Lines.JobSourceLocaleName>The source language name. Note that the language names are localized.
<#Lines.JobTargetLocale>The target language ISO code. Note that the language names are localized.
<#Lines.JobTargetLocaleName>The target language name. Note that the language names are localized

Label detailsEach report line refers to a specific label
<#Lines.LabelID>The label unique identifier.
<#Lines.LabelName>The label name
<#Lines.LabelValueID>The label value ID
<#Lines.LabelValue>The label value
<#Lines.LabelType>Each label can be "Language" or "Segment" only, depending on whether the label has been added to the entire segment entry or a specific language.
<#Lines.LabelOccurencesNumber>Number of times this label has been added within the document
<#Lines.LabelSegmentsNumber>Number of segments in the documents





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