Supported Document Formats

Supported Document Formats

Wordbee Translator supports a wide range of file formats and advanced configuration options.

List of document formats supported by Wordbee Translator

List of document formats supported by Wordbee Translator

Adobe FrameMaker files (.mif): You can translate all Framemaker versions starting at v8 and using Unicode fonts.

Adobe InCopy files (.icml): We support from CS4 to latest version.

Adobe InDesign files ( .indd, .idml): IDML & INDD CC - There is a Preview function available.

Adobe Photoshop files (.psd): The configured filter extracts both text and formatting information. Translations are exported as either Excel, Html or Ods.

ASP.Net files: Localization of web pages (.aspx), controls (.asmx) and resource files (.resx).

Code files (.cs, .inc, .js, .css, .jfs, .cls, .asax, .asa, .c, .cpp, .h.): Localization of source code files such as javascript, css, c, java or c# code.

CSV files (.csv): Character-Separated Values. The separator can be either a comma, a semicolon, a tabulation etc.

DITA files (.dita, .ditamap): Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) is an XML data model for authoring. Besides the DITA XML format we also support DITAmaps.

Email messages ( .msg, .eml, .oft)

Image files (for example, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif): If one of the Google or Microsoft optical character recognition (OCR) services is enabled, you can extract text from the image files to the Wordbee Translator editor. Alternatively, you can have blank segments created in the editor; then translators can view the source file and enter translations in the blank segments.

INI files (*.ini): Software configuration files. INI files are simple text files with a basic structure composed of sections, properties, and values.

iOS filesiOS resources files (.strings).

Java properties: You can translate (.properties) localization nodes according to user's configuration. 

JSON files (.json): JSON node localization according to user’s configuration. We support JSON version 1 and 2.

Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlt, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, .xlsb): All versions from 97. The file filter handles embedded graphics and charts. You can even translate embedded Office files. Preview available.

Microsoft Excel Multilingual files: Translate Excel sheets that contain different languages in different columns. For example: column A is English, B is French, C is German and D are comments/instructions. Once translated into all target languages, the Excel is updated while formatting, headers etc. are preserved. Learn more: How to translate multilingual excel files.

Microsoft Excel Multiple Sheets: There is a configuration available that enables you to translate only the first sheet of monolingual Excel files with multiple sheets. No data from the other sheets are pulled and segmented, yet their content is retained in the final file.

Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pot, .pps, .pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm, .ppsx, .ppsm): All versions from 97. The filter handles embedded graphics and charts. You can even translate embedded Office files. Preview available.

Microsoft Visio files files (.vsd): All versions from 97 to 2010.

Microsoft Word files files (.doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx, .docm, .dotm): All versions from 97. The filter handles embedded graphics and charts. You can even translate embedded Office files. Preview available.

Microsoft.Net resources (.resx)

OpenOffice files files ( .odt, .ods, .odp):  You can translate Open Document Text files.

PDF files (.pdf): Wordbee handles editable PDFs. Scanned documents saved as PDFs, where the text is embedded in an image of the document, require OCR and an alternative workflow. Learn more: How to translate PDF files.

Plain text files files (.txt, .utxt, .utf8, .text): Any kind of text files, such as .txt or .utf8. The filter is highly customizable with regular expressions, exclusion patterns and more. The filter can auto-detect encoding.

POT/PO files (.po, .pot): This file type is used by many CMS systems such as Drupal. Drupal uses the .po (portable object) and .pot (portable object template) extensions for the translation files. The PO files contain the actual translations, whereas the POT files are the template files for the PO files.