If you have administrative rights in Wordbee Translator, you can view and customize all aspects of your Wordbee platform by clicking on Settings.
Administrators and managers with specific access rights will be able to tune up the system to meet their business needs.
Go to Settings > Customization. Here you can tune and define the global behavior of the platform.
The Settings navigation tabs give access to:
View and configure all aspects of your platform.
Check the license and usage details of your Wordbee Translator subscription (only for admin users).
Check the current activity in the platform to have an overview of the users connected, review the notifications being sent, and other global processes in the system (only for admin users).
Manage the in-house and external logins allocated to your teams (only for admin users).
Users will get access to specific settings areas depending on their access rights.
Platform customization
Based on their user profile, users will be able to see and maintain the configurations covered below:
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