Translation editor notification templates
Templates can contain "placeholders" that will be replaced with real data from the supplier, the job or the project.
Templates can further contain conditional statements as described at the bottom.
Times are shown in the timezone of the platform owner. The timezone indicator is shown next to each date (e.g. "GMT+1")
Placeholder | Description |
{{ResourceName}} | The name of the project memory, translation memory or term base. |
{{ProjectName}} | The name of the project if the comments refer to a project. Otherwise empty. |
{{DocumentName}} | The name of the document or resource data set to which the comments refer. |
{{RelatesToSource}} | Boolean value indicating if the comments refer to the source text or a translation. |
{{SourceLanguage}} | The source language. |
{{TargetLanguage}} | The translation language. This field is empty if RelatesToSource is true. |
{{RelatesToSegment}} | Boolean value indicating if the notification refers to a specific segment or the entire document / resource data set. |
{{SegmentDisplayId}} | The ID of the segment as it appears in the translation editor. This field is empty if RelatesToSegment is false. |
{{SourceText}} | The segment source text. This field is empty if RelatesToSegment is false. |
{{UserMessage}} | The user message or comments. |
{{DocumentAccessUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks in order to access the document directly in the translation interface. |
{{SenderName}} | The first and last name of the sender. |
{{SenderCompany}} | The company name of the sender. |
{{SenderEmail}} | The email of the sender. |
{{SenderEmailUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks to send an email to the sender. It is the same as SenderEmail prefixed with 'mailto:', e.g. |
{{SenderLanguage}} | The language of the sender. It can be set in the company's details page. |
{{PlatformCompany}} | Your company name or the licensee of this platform. |
{{AccessUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks to access your plateform homepage. |
Conditional statements
{% if JobStatusCode == 'InProgress' or JobStatusCode == 'Completed' %} In progress! {% else %} Not in progress! {% endif %}
{% case JobStatusCode %} {% when 'InProgress' %} In progress! {% when 'Cancelled' %}Cancelled! {% else %}Other status! {% endcase %}
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