Releases 2020-01
This page shows items released in 2020-01.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
NEW [SpellChecker] Fix with the French language
The words which contains the character apostrophe are now correctly detected by the spellchecker component
QA, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3156
IMPROVED Add error codes for BeeboxAPI, refactor API to write some tests
Better handle Beebox error codes by BeeboxAPI, In general users should better know which error appears during some failures.
Beebox - WM-3782
IMPROVED Search bar: filtering by segment number
Search bar now has in the segment filter section to filter by the segment number which now can search by {1,2,3} or even by sub-segment number {1-2,2-3}
Search Bar, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3769
FIX Jump to segment that doesn't exist
[Editor] when using the "jump to segment" if this segment doesn't exist the editor will not take any action.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-4046
FIX Fixed long last message in order form overlap other items
Fixed an issue with sending too long message in order form, with too long words or hyperlinks overlapped other items and break screen design.
Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-4022
FIX Jump to segment that doesn't exist
[Editor] when using the "jump to segment" if this segment doesn't exist the editor will not take any action.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-4011
FIX Navigating through the document in the editor
When navigating through the document in the editor it refreshes the pages to the first page of the document
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-4003
FIX Preview resources: currently selected document name
[Preview resources] when having multiple resources in the job and preview them the dropdown list when selecting an item it's name will be the selected one in the list
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3829
FIX Create job reports
Can create job reports from the reports page without any errors, reports like: S401, S402, till S404, S420.
Reports, Administrators - WM-4015
FIX API connection with Outlook Plugin
Connection from Outlook Plugin did not support SSL communication.
API, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-4024
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
NEW Integration of Tilde Machine Translation System
The option to add Tilde Machine Translation system has been added. The user needs first to obtain a client-ID from Tilde and then select MT Systems based on the source an target languages
Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3784
NEW Add "Tetun" language
Adding "Tetun" language to the system support languages - can be used in creating new projects, orders, and resources
Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-3843
NEW Send comment in the timeline
Sending a comment on a segment when there is no segment selected shows a warning to select a segment first
Translation Finder, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3690
FIX All properties of a term does not appear when I unfold the term panel
All properties of a term does not appear when I unfold the term panel.
Also it will not crash anymore in the case in which a user does not own the right to use the terminology.
Terminology, Translators, Project Managers - WM-3633
FIX [Editor] Delete segment from a resource
Sometimes an error was catch and the message "Too many segments" was displayed, this problem is now fixed
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3842
FIX Fixed issue with CoDyt jobs sort
Issue reported on creating new CoDyt jobs: the jobs were not sorted correctly. The issue has now been fixed and CoDyt jobs now are displayed in correct order.
Job Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3958
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
NEW Preset language in Translation Finder popup
Preset language when opening the resources within the Translation Finder will now have the selected source and target of the hit.
Translation Finder, Translators, Project Managers - WM-3746
NEW IDML - Side effect of an extra hard return
Added logic to auto remove extra trailing returns in segments on the editor and ignore them for already existing segments to ensure correct IDML document rendering
General, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3014
NEW Auto propagation in resources
[Editor] Auto propagation in resources will be disabled when saving changes and the change will not be propagated.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-3574
NEW [Reports] New customizable report to print translations, revisions and comments from the editor
We added a business report that prints translations, revisions and comments in a user friendly report. The report is accessible from the translation editor's Document > Export menu. You can customize the report if subscribed to the Reporting component.
Learn more: Document translations, revisions and comments
Editor, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3427
NEW Email notification when changes are pushed into a Flex document
When segments are added, changed: Send an email notification to workers.
Wordbee Flex, Translators, Project Managers - WM-3930
NEW Added Support for "Maay Maay"language.
Added Support for "Maay Maay"language, language code is "ymm" , to enable the language go to settings, languages an then enable.
Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-3797
IMPROVED [PDF Parser] new exception type (Exceeds page size limit)
Changes in OCR Service and PDF Parser to support new exception type (Exceed page size limit)
Project Management, Project Managers - WM-3592
IMPROVED [Editor] The filter to find repetitions has been amended following user requests
The filter is now able to find identical repetitions whether translations are leveraged or not, machine translated or not. In addition, you can now also filter for repetitions within the same document.
The options to find fuzzy repetitions have been removed.
WordCount, Translators, Project Managers - WM-3916
FIX Creating a job through Beebox
When Creating a job through Beebox and the project contains resources, it will create a job for the file correctly.
Beebox, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-3839
FIX Creating a verbose invoice
Creating an verbose invoice from existing jobs doesn't give "page or functionality failed error", added a null check for the cost details when creating a new invoice.
Invoicing, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-3716
FIX Terminology manager default language
When opening a terminology manager with a specific language, it will be the default selected language when the editor is opened
Terminology, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3731
FIX API V2 company/list custom fields
In API V2 company/list retrieve all the custom fields related to the company and the value of these fields
API, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3894
FIX Text boxes MS word file affects the Wordcount of WordBee
Fixed issue related to Text boxes on Microsoft word file that affects the Word count and segments counts of Word-Bee.
WordCount, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-3845
FIX Searching with a term on Editor when selecting "All documents" shows no results.
The segments are now correctly searched in all the documents of the project.
Editor, Search Bar, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-3848
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