Releases 2020-12

Releases 2020-12

This page shows items released in 2020-12.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

NEW [Supported Languages] Rohingya language

The "Rohingya" (rhg) language has been added to the list of languages that are supported by Wordbee Translator.

Editor, Languages, Project Managers - WM-5499

NEW [User management] Hyphen characters allowed in email addresses

You can now add a user with an email that contains a hyphen character before the "@" sign.

Supplier Management, Project Managers - WM-7749

NEW [Order Forms] Display error message in case of oversized PDFs

Wordbee Translator now displays an error message when you are trying to upload a PDF file with a layout size of more than 22x22 inches. The system will prompt you to remove the file or select another PDF before submitting your order form.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-3902

NEW [Access rights] External users not to confirm jobs in batch mode

A new access right (R357) has been added to allow users to manage job openings in a batch mode more efficiently. https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/932413460/How+to+manage+job+openings+in+batch+mode

Job Management, Translators - WM-5774

IMPROVED [Machine translation] Armenian language has been added to Google MT

The Wordbee Google MT connector now supports the Armenian (hy-AM) language.

MT, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-7270

IMPROVED [QA] The Editor QA rule for markup has been enhanced

The QA markup rule has been enhanced to verify if there are duplicated tags in target segments. The QA Check will flag the markup errors in the Editor.

Editor, Translators - WM-4701

IMPROVED [Business Reports] Additional filters in S710 and S711 Reports

When you generate reports S710 and S711, you now have additional filters available to search through all the segments. Previously, it was possible to filter only by the first segment. This enhancement is especially useful for back-translation projects where managers need to track all the changes in the segments. Learn more: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/770473985/Report+S711+-+Document+translations+revisions+and+comments+for+all+language+versions

Reports, Project Managers - WM-7761

IMPROVED [User profiles] Usability improvements in the Access Rights pages

The administrative pages to view and edit user profiles have been reworked. The pages are improved visually, propose small but useful new features and now show the login license type(s) associated with each profile. The types are: "Internal login", "External login", "Translator login" and "Manager login".

Access-Rights, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7653

FIX [API 1] Returning Lists from API 1

The List Users API ad the List Clients API now behave as expected. The issue with the list endpoints in API1 has been resolved.

API - WM-5993

FIX [Flex] Client costing fails

You can now generate client invoices successfully with no errors in the Wordbee Translator log file.

Wordbee Flex, Project Managers - WM-7765

FIX [Editor] Extraction of new line characters in JSON files

New line "\n" characters in JSON files are now properly extracted in the Editor and displayed in the final document.

Editor, File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-7387

FIX [Editor] Smart Assistant flags spaces before brackets

The Smart Assistant and the QA Check for punctuations now behave the same way, highlighting the same error types.

Editor, QA, Translators - WM-7342

FIX [Invoices] Exporting invoices for Suppliers as XML

You can now export invoices for your suppliers in XML format without getting errors.

Job Management, Project Managers - WM-7748

FIX [Price Lists] Saving price lists without minimum fees

Project managers can now save their price lists even when the minimum charge field is left empty.

Price Management, Project Managers - WM-7475

FIX [PDF Parser] PDF Parser problem

An issue with the PDF parser configuration prevented the user from finalizing PDF documents. To use this feature, please note that the OCR -PDF to Word converter needs to be enabled on your Wordbee Translator platform. Learn more: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711457/Integrated+OCR+and+PDF+to+Word+Converter

File Formats, Project Management, Project Managers - WM-7675

FIX [UI] Orders MT Hive style

The MT Hive style tab is now highlighted when selected.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-7780

FIX [Editor] Editing the global search results

Provided that you have editing rights in Wordbee Translator, you can now edit the Global Search results without getting any errors. Learn more about Global Search: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711760/Using+Global+Search

GlobalSearch, Project Managers, Administrators, Leads - WM-7412

Monday, December 7, 2020

IMPROVED [Filters] Creating new filters

New file configurations are now created only when pressing the "Save" button. Previously, when you created a new file filter, the system instantly created a new blank configuration, which was not efficient.

File Formats, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7202

IMPROVED [Adobe InCopy] The InCopy filter trims whitespaces when segmenting text

When you translate Adobe InCopy files, you can now remove leading and trailing whitespaces in the Translation Editor by enabling the corresponding settings in the file filter.

Go to Settings > Document Formats and edit the configuration of Adobe InCopy. When you tick the option ''Do not show leading and trailing whitespace to the translator'' under Content, the corresponding settings will be automatically enabled in the Text Segmentation as well.

Learn more about the Adobe InCopy configuration: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711305/Adobe+InCopy+Files

File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-6707

IMPROVED [Editor] Active recognition & Term lookup

Active recognition & Term lookup improvement: when clicking on the term lookup icon or using the shortcut in the Editor, you will automatically see the search results the Translation Finder compact view.

Editor, Translation Finder, Translators - WM-7476

IMPROVED [File upload] Invalid characters in the file name

You will now be able to upload documents to Wordbee Translator even when the file names contain some invalid characters in the titles. The system will automatically fix common filename issues, such as invalid character encodings.

File Formats, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-6418

IMPROVED [Supported languages] Mayan language

Wordbee Translator now supports Mam (ISO 639-3), a Mayan language. To be able to use it in your translation projects, you first need to enable it from Settings > Translation settings > Languages.

Languages, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7233

FIX [Supported languages] The spelling for the ''lu Mien'' language has been corrected

We have corrected the spelling of the "lu Mien" language. You can enable/disable languages in Wordbee Translator via Translation Settings > Languages.

Languages, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7375

FIX [Editor] Delivering a file from the Document menu

You can now deliver jobs using the Submit as Deliverable feature available in the Translation Editor regardless of the file type. The popup displays properly. To learn how to use this feature see How-to article: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WBT/pages/711715/Submit+as+deliverable

Editor, Project Managers - WM-7545

FIX [Editor] Segment navigation

The ''Jump to segment" field in the Translation Editor accepts only valid segment numbers, no letters.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Leads - WM-7455

FIX [Editor] Columns for completed "Reconciliation" and "Back-translation" jobs

We have fixed an issue where the displayed columns in the editor in completed "Reconciliation" and "Back-translation" jobs. It is now possible to display all versions of the locale if the job is set to completed status.

Access-Rights, Editor, Project Managers - WM-7399

FIX [Client orders] Project reference in the list of orders

Project references containing the "&" sign are now displayed correctly in the list of orders.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-5618

FIX [Machine Translation] MT Hive using PLATA MT connector

The automatic tag correction techniques have been improved with an additional rule to handle the tags in XLIFF files translated with PLATA MT connector and MT-Hive.

MT Hive, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-6695

FIX [Editor] Hard return while typing

[Editor] The system does not longer add unwanted hard returns while you are typing new segments in the Editor.

Editor, Translators - WM-7298

FIX [MT] Microsoft V2 MT Connector: Editing custom model options does not display properties after Save

When you add and edit new custom models in the Microsoft v2 Connector, the changes are now properly saved. To learn how to build your own engine with Microsoft Hub, see this How-to article: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/711659/How+to+build+your+own+engine+with+Microsoft+Hub

Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-7519

FIX [Client orders| Scripts in project names

Project names are now displayed in the list of projects as entered by the user, even when they contain a script.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7501

FIX [Standard projects] Cannot mark a file for online translation from "set translation status"

A problem occurs when selecting this option in the project documents (from the menu above the files) and then opting for online translation. It wrongly says no action is needed. Marking online with any of the other options works fine though.

Project Management, Project Managers - WM-7437

FIX [Order form] File not uploaded when option "Accept any type of files" ticked and parser profile is limited

Special case when the order configuration ticks "Accept any type of files" and the attached file filter configuration delimits the type of files accepted. If a user now uploads a file that is not in the file filer configuration but is still supported by Wordbee then the file will not be uploaded. Expectation is that the file is uploaded even though not marked for translation.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-7330

NEW [Logging] The trace API now includes events when projects and resources are deleted

Both events are now properly logged in the traces.
See documentation on how to retrieve traces here: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/API2/pages/491788/Administration

elastic, Administrators - WM-4595





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