Autopropagation and repeated segments
Auto-propagation is one of the four smart tools that are available in the CAT Editor. It allows you to automatically propagate translations of repeated segments in your document as soon as you populate them so that you don’t have to translate the same content twice (or more!).
To activate the auto propagation function, simply enable it in the bar at the bottom of the Editor.
As soon as you translate, identical segments are automatically populated.
You can easily identify auto-propagated segments thanks to the “AP” icon.
Segments that are identical repetitions are also flagged with a repeat icon.
Propagation is always limited to the currently edited document.
You can also identify repeated segments in the Editor, by applying a filter in the Search bar to show/hide repetitions in your document and/or in the entire project.
The general configuration of the auto-propagation feature can be found by clicking on the gear icon located in the top right corner of the Editor. These settings are user-based.
You can enable here the option to never propagate segments marked erroneous (red-colored status) and whether propagation should overwrite existing translations or skip segments already translated.
Learn more:
General User Preferences → Section Manual and automatic propagation
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