How to have an overview of your project

How to have an overview of your project

In this section you will learn how to keep an overview of your project. You may want to take a look at the Statistics, change the status of your segments in a batch mode or mark down problems encountered during your work or even filter out the segments that you want to review or where you have comments left.


We will be covering these topics (you can either scroll or jump directly to each chapter):

Work Statistics 

You will find the statistics icon on the top left corner of the Editor working space.

Simple view

A general view of the statistics of your job will be directly displayed after clicking on the icon above:

Statistics (summary - simple view)

Statistics (Labels - simple view)

Detailed view of each information module

Translation progressReal time information about the document progress. Information about the types of translation is also provided here (machine translation, pre-translation, edited by user)
QA issuesNumber of QA issues reported for the document in the job
BookmarksNumber of bookmarks in the job. Can be grey, blue or red
StatusStatus of the segment: success (green), error (red) or none (grey)
WorkersPeople who have been assigned to this job
Last modificationsPerformed during any phase of the project
Full statistics reportWith detailed data (segment view/word counts)

Please note

Each element in this window is clickable, allowing you to apply simple filters.

You can also apply complex filters (combining more than one category) by means of the searchbar, located on top.

Full report

For a full report of the statistics, containing all the information retrieved from the Project Resources and the word counts, you will need to access the report available at the bottom of the window:

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The Actions menu 

In the quick access bar, the icon actions features a dropdown list of of automated options that will allow you to apply changes to your working segments. This actions can be run in batch mode, affecting several segments or running several actions at a time.


Working segments relate to different scenarios. They can refer to:

-The active segment: segment you are currently editing.

-The result of a filter: segments currently displayed. To know the scope of your filter, check the number of elements that are affected by your search query on the bottom right corner of the Editor.

-Your full document: if no filters are applied, then the action triggered will affect all the segments of your document.

List of actions

Batch ActionsApply one or more of the previous actions to your segment(s)
Copy source to TargetCopies source text to target
Lock/UnlockLock or Unlock segment(s)
Change BookmarkSet or change bookmarks in segment(s)
Change StatusSet or change status in segment(s)
Find and ReplaceFind and replace in segment(s). Query type: plain text, wildcards or regular expressions.
Set Text Length ConstraintSet or clear length constraints for segment(s)
Pseudo Translate

Apply advanced pseudo-translation algorithms. Options are:

  • Copy source to target
  • Copy source and make all lowercase
  • Copy source and make all uppercase
  • Replace text by stars (*)
  • Reshuffle source text, same length
  • Reshuffle source text, 50% shorter
  • Reshuffle source text, 50% longer
Translate from MemoryTranslate text from specific Translation Memory (attached to the project)
Clear all segment informationDelete all information of a segment (translation, comments...)
Clear all QA informationDelete all QA information for the selected language
Create custom error messageType a message to be display by certain errors
Quick QA CheckRun a quick QA Check for the selected source and target languages
Set Context

Set the segment context.

Language Specific label

Set or remove labels assigned to a specific language.

Segment Label

Set the segment context.

Language Specific Custom FieldsSet a value for the custom fields of the source or the target language.
Segment Custom FieldsSet a value for the each segment custom fields.
Sentiment Analysis

Have the system tell you the sentiment of source texts or translations.

Once you select and configure the action(s) you want to perfom, the system will ask you to confirm the changes and also give you the possibility to configure some advanced options to track the changes you will apply. 

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The power search bar 

More than a regular search bar  , the power search bar is located at the center of your screen, just above the working space of the editor. 

This feature will enable you to perform different types of searches:

Simple search: look up in your document for some words/text strings, like in the search and replace tool.

Regular search: refine your simple search by giving some more restrictions (case specific, phrase match, wildcards or regular expressions).

Advanced search: narrow down your results by using and combining search operators. These are all the data categories that you can find in the CAT tool.  Some of them are contained in the statistics view, but many others come from the different widgets and smart features available in the system. 

Using search operators to filter segments


It is also possible to select more than one element of each filter category and also combine filters. The system will also detect which are the fields that you use the most and push them to the top of the list, so that you can save time each time you access the search feature.

Filters available are listed below. 

Text containsN/AGeneral search bar. Looks up the text key entererd
BookmarksNone/Blue/RedFilters among the selected pins
CommentsYes/NoDisplays segments that have comments
EditsYes/NoDisplays segments that have been edited
Empty translationsYes/NoDisplays segments with no translation
LabelsList of labels set in the platformDisplays segments that have been marked with the given label
Last change by


  • Modified by user


  • Machine translation
  • Previous version translation
  • Perfect previous version translation
  • Machine correction


  • Exact pre-translation
  • Fuzzy pre-translation
  • Perfect pre-translation



Displays segments that were originally edited by machine translation or pre-translation and have been modified by a user.
QA ResultsYes/NoDisplays segments with QA issues.
RevisionsYes/NoFilters segments where a user corrected translations done by another user.
Segment IDN/AFilters segments by their unique ID. This number is global and not sequential.
Segment contextN/AFilters segments by their context. Depending on the original file, the context can be formatting information, a key or something else.
Segment numberDisplayed in the first column of the editorFilters segments by their segment number (i.e. 15, 25-3, etc). This number is sequential within each source file.
StatusNone/Green/RedFilters segments by their status (Neutral/Ok/Issue).
Time/Date when last changed

1, 2, 4 or 8 hours

1, 2, 5 or 20 days

 Displays segments that have been modified in the given time frame

Translated onlyYes/NoDisplays only translated segments
WorkersAny workers/list of workersDisplays segments which have been edited by a certain user


You can configure several search profiles locally and have them ready for later use. Make sure you click on save profile at the bottom of the search window to be able to load the same configuration back!

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