Releases 2019-05

Releases 2019-05

This page shows items released in 2019-05.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

IMPROVED Administrator change log / traces: Additional information logged

The API method to retrieve changes to various business objects has been extended to more objects. The API is explained here: https://documents.wordbee.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9111311 . The list of objects tracked is here: https://documents.wordbee.com/display/API2/Traces
In addition, we added a security business report (for administrators only) that provides information on failed login attempts (such as brute force login and password attacks).

User Activity, Administrators - WM-2001

IMPROVED Minor Update for the Global Search Contents

Fixed an Editorial Mistake in the message appear to user in case global search is not configured , also the loge used was updated to be consistent with the new logo of word bee

GlobalSearch, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Leads - WM-2034

Thursday, May 23, 2019

FIX Fixed issue with Globalese MT related to language variants

Issue detected with Globalese MT when language parts different in Globalese engine than one in Wordbee, this is now fixed.

Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2346

FIX [Fixed] - Cost calculation sometimes selects the first price list in the supplier instead of the already selected one

[Fixed] - Cost calculation sometimes selects the first price list in the supplier instead of the already selected one

Costing, Project Managers - WM-2471

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

IMPROVED [Editor] Improved Limit Segment Length component

We have improved the limit segment length component to align its consistency with our newer interfaces and improve its reliability.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2266

IMPROVED Microsoft MT V2 disabled

Microsoft stopped usage of it's machine translation version 2, so we disabled it accordingly, we are now using version 3 instead.

Machine Translation, Translators, Clients - WM-2252

IMPROVED A new option for Hmong Language was added

An option for the language named Hmong was added to the list of languages having iso code of hmn.

Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2359

FIX Java.properties comments are not extracted

Java.properties files comments are now being extracted correctly as a segments comments.
Java.properties files comments are now being extracted correctly as a segments comments.

File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2401

FIX Auto translate number terms

When clicking on a segment with the "Automatically translate terms from translation memory or terminology database hits" enabled, it misses up the numbers in the segment

Editor, Translators - WM-2373

FIX Fix an error thrown on perform a QA check

This is a fix for an error thrown on performing a QA check
This is a fix for an error thrown on performing a QA check

QA, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2372

Thursday, May 16, 2019

NEW Editor technology migration with new features and faster load times

We have migrated the editor to a new build technology. This change improves initial load times, and provides us with the necessary framework to add some exciting new features.

This first of these features is present in the right side widgets, allowing users to detach the translation finder and timeline into separate popups. This is particularly useful when running a setup with multiple screens.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-2141

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

NEW New language added - English (Belgium)

Wordbee now supports English (Belgium). The code for this new language is en-BE.

Core, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2326

IMPROVED [Editor] Better design for view/edit segment window

We have improved the layout of the view/edit segment window toward a slicker and more compact design.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers, Leads - WM-2329

FIX [Fixed] - Issue when exporting translation memories having emojis in them

[Fixed] - Issue when exporting translation memories having emojis in them

Resources, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2361

FIX Fix UI display Issue on word count tab in standard projects

User interface display Issue on word count tab in standard projects reported, which effect user experience and make it hard to view word counts properly.
This has been fixed.

WordCount, Project Managers - WM-2356

FIX Editor - additional number inserted from Translation Finder

additional number inserted from Translation Finder when there is tags in the segments ........additional number inserted from Translation Finder when there is tags in the segments ........

Translation Finder, Translators - WM-2299

FIX [Fixed] - Xliff 2 parser issue, files containing <pc> tags are not parsed

[Fixed] - Xliff 2 parser issue, files containing <pc> tags are not parsed

File Formats, Project Managers, Administrators, Leads - WM-2309

FIX [Editor] Fix behavior with the "validate and go to next segment" shortcut

When using the "validate and go to next segment" shortcut on the last segment, the translation would not save in certain circumstances. This has been fixed.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2330

FIX Comparison in case of Importing Xliff file to ignore the carrige return character '\r'

The Comparison held in case of importing an xliff file , is now ignoring the carriage return character ('\r').

Infrastructure, Translators, Clients - WM-2276

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IMPROVED [Editor] General QA profile manager improvements

We have enhanced the usability and speed of the QA Profile Manager in the translation editor. This change also brings some small bug fixes in this component.

Editor, QA, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2139

IMPROVED New option added to the segment length constraints QA Rule

Typically when creating sub segments, these segments are reconstructed with a space added between them. However, these extra spaces are not taken into account for the segment length constraints QA Rule.
To remedy this situation, a new option has been added to the Text Length Constraints QA Rule to account for this added space in the case of sub-segmentation.

Editor, QA, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-2171

FIX Missing 'complete job' action

We have fix a bug causing Job status popup to display less actions than expected in the editor when the assignment mode chosen is crowd assignment.

Access-Rights, Editor, Translators - WM-2260

FIX [Fixed] - Wordbee discovered and fixed an issue with XML parser with tags that start with under scores

[Fixed] - Wordbee discovered and fixed an issue with XML parser with tags that start with under scores

File Formats, Project Managers, Leads - WM-2203

Thursday, May 2, 2019

FIX Fixed an issue where the detailed wordcount report would not show counts

In the case where you had documents in subfolders in a project, the detailed word count report would not have worked.

General, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2254

FIX [Editor] Fixed a rare situation preventing the editor from loading

We have fixed a rare occurrence where the editor could fail to load when attempting to view the import history of a ressource.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2297





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