Releases 2019-03
This page shows items released in 2019-03.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
IMPROVED Information Window for Cost Calculation of post edit service
Information Updated for the Cost Calculation of Added Service to indicate clearly that discount can be enabled or disabled when adding a new Service.
MT Hive, Project Managers - WM-2053
IMPROVED Wordbee out-of-the-box InDesign preview option not accessible in all client platforms
The InDesign preview is enabled from "Settings" > "Web preview". In some cases the Wordbee InDesign option is not shown in this page. This has been corrected. Please note that the preview option is available for platforms hosted in the Wordbee Microsoft Azure data center only. The configuration page was made clearer at the same time.
InDesign Preview, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2117
FIX Unexpected square brackets in finalized .xml file
Unexpected square brackets like [] in finalised .xml file in DTD tags with empty Internal Subset will not be added.
Job Management, Translators, Clients, Administrators - WM-2069
FIX Editor shows the content of the drop down menus even if not marked red in the document to translate
issue with drop down menus when marking translate only red text. When we have to translate a document with drop down menus, even if there are not marked red they are shown in the editor
Project Management, Project Managers - WM-2114
FIX Custom spellcheck dictionary usability from the editor
We have fixed an issue causing custom spellcheck dictionaries not to work properly from the editor.
Dictionaries, Administrators - WM-2119
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
NEW New Beebox links option: Discard translations
We added a new option in the Beebox links, allowing you to discard all translations provided by Beebox jobs (memory or MT). A possible use case for ticking the option: You do not trust the quality of Beebox memories and you exclusively want to leverage memories inside Wordbee Translator (as part of the word count operation)
Beebox, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2099
IMPROVED Pass-Through project: Previous version handling improved
In a Pass-Through project, we changed the behavior of the system to prevent Beebox downloading a previous version of the deliverable when the new version workflow is completed.
Beebox - WM-2050
FIX [WordCount] Issue with the warning a project details
We noticed that when a word count profile was configured to have no pretranslation, there was always a warning, in related projects page details, saying that the word count profile was outdated.
WordCount, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2108
FIX Fix editor revision report export
We have fixed the way we generate the revision report from the editor to match what was done in the old version.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-2010
FIX Global search - Next page skip
When using the global search and we try to go to the next page using the " Next" option, it skips pages
GlobalSearch, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2094
FIX [ Fixed ] - Batch Machine translation against jobs issue. not all document are machine translated...
[ Fixed ] - Batch Machine translation against jobs issue. not all document are machine translated...
Machine Translation, Project Managers - WM-2060
FIX Bug production invoices suppliers
Fix distribute invoices in the production invoices suppliers when checking this option: Re-create and replace existing print versions
Invoicing, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2041
Monday, March 25, 2019
NEW New language added - English (Tuvalu)
Wordbee now supports English (Tuvalu). The code for this new language is en-TV.
Core, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2109
NEW Consolidation of labels and statistics upon workflow completion
We added quality assurance labels aggregations on codyt/standard jobs for insight into the overall quality of a project or the different problems encountered.
Editor, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1710
NEW New business report for custom labels
We have added new business report to list labels data, the number of occurrences, and the total number of segments which has been aggregated after job completion.
Reports, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1716
Friday, March 22, 2019
IMPROVED [Global Search] Modification in custom fields behavior
For the users in Azure environment, the logical operator AND is now used when searching with custom fields
GlobalSearch, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2100
Thursday, March 21, 2019
IMPROVED [WordCount] Make the word count profile modification spreading asynchronous
Sometimes the action to spread a word count profile modification takes a long time and can block the user. It now runs in background to avoid blocking the user.
WordCount, Project Managers - WM-2101
IMPROVED [WordCount] Improving the behavior when changing a word count profile
We noticed some non user friendly behaviors when modifying a word count profile :
- The modifications were not spread to the related project, you had to
reselect the word count profile in every related projects.
- The information that the project word count was outdated was not available
We decided to add a warning message when a project word count profile is outdated and add the possibility to spread a word count profile modification to every related projects
WordCount, Project Managers - WM-2093
IMPROVED [ Improvement ] - Wordbee now extract context fields from POT files an..
[ Improvement ] - Wordbee now extract context fields from POT files and can be visible in the editor.
File Formats, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2081
IMPROVED Default column generation improvement
We have improved the way our system generates the layout for the editor when accessing it for the first time and with a specified language.
We also fixed a bug where jobs created for multiple languages in Standard Projects only displayed one source column when opening it for the first time.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-1991
IMPROVED Export source and target labels in revision report
In the new editor the export tab "Revision report" add a column for target labels and change the name of "Labels / Translation"to "Labels / Source"
Editor, Reports, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2070
FIX [Editor] Edited comments now correctly reflect category changes without reloading the segment
We have fixed a small cosmetic issue not showing the new status of an edited comment before reloading the segment.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2096
FIX New editor - error when selecting "Not from previous version" filter option
In elastic version 6 in the editor it seems the filter option "Not from previous version" does not work.
Editor, Translators - WM-2084
FIX Hidden Rows and Columns in excel monolingual configuration are fixed
Fix for the issue that hidden rows and columns in a monolingual configuration were translated, although being marked as not to translate in the excel configuration settings.
Project Management, Project Managers - WM-2037
FIX [Editor] Column adjustments
We have fixed two interactions with the columns in the editor:
-The column header size is now correct when adding new columns to the interface
-Newly added columns are now always resizable without requiring a page reload
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2090
FIX List segments API returning NULL for translated text
List segments API returning NULL for versioned language and throw exception if full versioned language is sent
i.e : (bg-BG(v3,bg-BG))
affected APIs :
(GET) projects/{projectid}/documents/{documentid}/segments
(GET) projects/{projectid}/files/{locale}/fileinfo
(POST) projects/{projectid}/files/{locale}/file/translation
API, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2056
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
NEW [Editor] New sort option for segments
It is now possible to sort segments by the last modification date. This is especially useful for tracking the latest changes after a revision job for instance.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2083
NEW New languages added - Bislama, Efik, Gilbertese
Wordbee now supports Bislama, Efik, Gilbertese. The respective codes for these new languages are bis, efi, gil.
Core, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2079
IMPROVED Opening the Editor via the resource links now shows the segments available for the language selected
When change columns in new editor, sometimes you get empty rows, cause there is no text for current columns, these rows are now hidden.
When accessing a resource by clicking on "view segments" link for a given language, the Editor will present all segments which are relevant for that language. This means, users will have a view of all monolingual or multilingual segments for which the selected language is on use.
Learn more about how to import and work on your linguistic resources in the documentation:
Editor, Project Managers - WM-1915
FIX [Editor] Fix MT tab not auto filled with the segment's content
We have fixed a behavior in the editor that prevented the MT tab from the translation finder from fetching the value of the source segment when entering a cell.
Editor, Machine Translation, Translators - WM-2088
FIX [Fix] Invoices updated with external word count analysis show the right discount details
Invoices were the feature "Import analysis from Excel" was used are now showing the right discount details.
WordCount, Project Managers - WM-2008
FIX [Fixed] - Issues spotted with conditional workflow steps when having a pre-translated file counted as "no translated" or as "pre translated"
[Fixed] - Issues spotted with conditional workflow steps when having a pre-translated file counted as "no translated" or as "pre translated"
Workflows, Project Managers - WM-2040
Thursday, March 14, 2019
FIX [Editor] Fix situation where it was impossible to edit a hit from the translation finder
We have fixed a rare situation where it was impossible to edit a translation finder hit from the editor's interface.
Editor, Resources, Translation Finder, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2078
FIX Fixing Issue when importing Terminology Database from an Excel File
Fix an issue that is import of a terminology database from an excel file was failing in case the file has a custom field column and has an empty entry in the target column
Terminology, Administrators - WM-2045
FIX Sentiment analysis Polyglot - Azure
There was an issue with the platforms hosted on Microsoft Azure that could not use "Polyglot" technology for the sentiment analysis.
sentiment analysis, Translators, Project Managers - WM-1989
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
NEW Fixed a situation where some phrase matches were excluded from pre-translation and translation finder results
We have identified a rare situation where some project's resource configurations could lead to some phrase matches being excluded from pre-translation and translation finder results. This has been fixed.
Translation Finder, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-2073
NEW New placeholder for Project Deadline in business report S400
The placeholders lets you add the project deadline to the S400 business report. The business report is documented here:
Reports, Project Managers - WM-1958
IMPROVED Codyt jobs list: Email notification now ticked by default in the "Actions" > "Update jobs" tool
When updating properties of one or more Codyt jobs (click Jobs and then the Codyt tab), the option to notify assigned vendors of updates was unticked by default. It is now ticked by default.
Job Management, Project Managers - WM-2019
FIX Issue with wrong word count profile taken to count words
There was a issue where the wordcount profile was not the one set up in the project.
WordCount, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2075
FIX Issue with the word count profile name
In some specific cases, the project's word count profile displayed in the interface was not the one used to perform the word count.
WordCount, Translators, Project Managers - WM-2074
FIX Beebox wordcount issue
We fixed an issue preventing Beebox from quoting jobs when the linked Wordbee project had in project pre-translation disabled.
Core, Beebox - WM-2068
FIX Wordcount with MT from Beebox issue
When a word count with machine translation was coming from Beebox, the MT was considered as "No match"
WordCount, Translators, Beebox - WM-2067
FIX MT Hive: Markup now fixed when using Microsoft Machine Translation / Version 3
Markup problems were not fixed with the latest version 3 of Microsoft MT.
In addition, when translating documents using MT Hive, markup is fixed for all machine translations. However it was not fixed for memory pre-translations. This may cause the translated document to be invalid in certain cases where Microsoft does not place markup correctly.
MT Hive, Clients - WM-2064
FIX [Fixed] Client invoices created from orders have wrong Net calculations by extra discounts applied..
[Fixed] Client invoices created from orders have wrong Net calculations by extra discounts applied..
Invoicing, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2015
FIX [Fixed] - Wordbee fixed an issue with broken email links sent out to emails after submitting price lists for approval
[Fixed] - Wordbee fixed an issue with broken email links sent out to emails after submitting price lists for approval
Price Management, Project Managers, Leads - WM-2057
FIX Finalisation issue with consolidation fixed
We fixed an error preventing the finalisation (automatic or not) to work properly when the consolidation to master memory was enabled.
Core, WordCount, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-2007
FIX [Fixed] - Wordbee spotted an issue with assigning standard jobs to a supplier having custom prices
[Fixed] - Wordbee spotted an issue with assigning a standard jobs to a supplier having custom prices.
Job Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2017
Thursday, March 7, 2019
NEW System session time-out configuration can now be reduced to 15 minutes instead of previous 30 minutes minimum
In settings - Advanced Security Settings page:
"Idle web session timeout" minimum value has been changed from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.
Administration, Administrators - WM-2046
NEW Evolve PHP parser to support the Laravel framework templates
We have implemented evolution of the "Web page" parser to support exclusion of "Word or terms" with regular expression.
File Formats, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2009
IMPROVED [Editor] Various improvements
Various improvements have been done in the translation editor:
- The edit segment window is now draggable and resizable
- The style of the edit segment window has been adjusted to display more information, especially on smaller screens
- When adding a new segment to a resource, it is now possible to select text from the cells behind the window to prefill the contents of the segment to add. This makes adding specific terms or pieces of phrases much easier.
- When the option "Copy source text to editor if no translation memory hit found" is activated, the inserted terms are now highlighted to better distinguish them from the rest of the text.
- A new option has been added to the translation finder to prevent the inclusion of tags from hits when adding them to your translations. This can be accessed from the translation finder settings.
Editor, Translators - WM-2048
FIX [Fixed] - Issue spotted with submitting orders with option "Do not show counts & cost preview page but submit order instantly" being ticked in the order form config
[Fixed] - Issue spotted with submitting orders with option "Do not show counts & cost preview page but submit order instantly" being ticked in the order form config
Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2052
FIX [Editor] Behavior issue with the translation finder
The behavior between "Translation Finder search" short-cut, and direct search in the widget did not return the same result.
API, Editor, Translators - WM-2051
FIX ZIP files fix
We fixed an issue preventing the ZIP files generated from the Library path to be correctly extracted/read by Windows Explorer.
Core, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2032
FIX [Editor] Tags not placed at cursor
When a user inserts a new tag in the editor, this tag is now correctly placed at cursor in the WYSIWYG mode.
Previously the tag was inserted one character after the cursor
Editor, Translators - WM-1966
Friday, March 1, 2019
NEW Indesign Preview by Wordbee
We have implemented an InDesign preview included directly on Wordbee.
Not external tool required to use it.
InDesign Preview, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Beebox, Leads - WM-1894
FIX New order form: Success message does not show with certain form setup
There is a case when cost details shall not be shown to the end client that the order form fails to show the success message. The order is submitted but it is confusing for the end user.
Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-2047
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