Releases 2021-10

Releases 2021-10

This page shows items released in 2021-10.

Thursday, October 28, 2021 Azure Switzerland

New Microsoft MT gets new option and several MT improvements

Microsoft MT gets new option and several MT improvementsMicrosoft MT gets new option and several MT improvements

WordCount, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-10442

New New option to notify by email when no MT system available for a language

New option to notify by email when no MT system available for a languageNew option to notify by email when no MT system available for a language

WordCount, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-10531

New [Supported languages] Western Cham & Eastern Cham

The Eastern Cham language (ISO 639-2 code: cjm) and Western Cham language (ISO 639-2 code: cja) are now supported by Wordbee Translator.

Settings > Customization > Translation Settings > Languages > Configure

Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-10449

Improved [Supplier messaging] Counter includes cc + bcc emails

[Supplier messaging] After sending an email the Counter includes Cc + Bcc emails which is all the recipients that will receive the email

Supplier Management, Project Managers - WM-10123

Improved [Terminology] TMX fields picklist empty field

[Terminology] TMX picklist fields user can select an empty value which will be the first value in the pick list

Terminology, Translators - WM-10295

Fix Support For Emojis During Xliff Import

Support For Emojis During Xliff Import after marking file contains emoji for online translation and export as xliff then import the translation back to the editor

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-10233

Fix Multilingual Excel Configuration: HTML Content + Save Custom Fields Back To The Final Translated File Causes Failure When Previewing/Finalizing

Multilingual Excel Configuration: HTML Content + Save Custom Fields Back To The Final Translated File Causes Failure When Previewing/Finalizing

File Formats, Project Managers - WM-10209

Fix [Editor]QA profiles are not limited to 10 inputs. Behavior is inconsistent between the 2 existing regex checks

[Editor]QA profiles are not limited to 10 inputs. limit the text area for the regex to only consider only the first 10 regex on both regex rules

Editor, QA, Usability, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-10267

Fix Order notifications: placeholder not working

Order notifications: placeholder not working for the workerlist placeholders -> WorkerListTranslators, WorkerListProofreaders, and WorkerListRevisers

Email templates, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-9955

Monday, October 11, 2021 Azure Luxembourg Switzerland

New [Editor] Warning message for unsaved changes

A warning message has been added in the Editor to inform users to save changes before changing page.

Editor, Translators - WM-10086

New [Flex APIs] Segments can now be grouped by component IDs. Important change to /list methods.

Component IDs are the new nifty means to group related segments. When pushing segments, specify a component ID. New APIs then enable you to get a list of all components as well as their individual translation status. The new API methods are documented here: https://wordbee.atlassian.net/l/c/0AK4h1xs.

An important fix was applied to all API2 /list methods: all dates were returned as UTC but lacked the "Z" suffix to properly flag dates as being UTC. This has been corrected.

Wordbee Flex, Administrators - WM-10348

New [Supported languages] Shan & Kachin

The Shan language (ISO 639-2 code: shn) and Kachin language (ISO 639-2 code: kac) are now supported by Wordbee Translator.

Settings > Customization > Translation Settings > Languages > Configure

Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-10308

Improved [QA] New rule to check superfluous text after BR tag

A QA rule has been added to check any superfluous text or white spaces after the last BR tag in a segment.

Editor, Jaws, Translators - WM-6354

Improved [Terminology manager] Saving an entry keeps the search parameters

When saving an entry, the page does no longer refresh and search parameters are saved.

Terminology, Project Managers - WM-10256

Improved [Editor] Source column editable by default from project view

When managers open a document from the project's library, the source column will be editable by default.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-10064

Improved [Editor] New context filters added in the search bar

In the search bar of the Editor, the context search now displays three new options: Starts with (default search), Ends with and Contains. The filtering by 'Phrase' and 'Case Sensitive' have been removed.

Search Bar, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-8494

Fix [Editor] Blurred terminology popup

The terminology pop-up that can be opened from the Editor to create a new entry from the terminology or the translation finder now displays the text clearly.

Editor, Terminology, Translators - WM-10210

Fix [Editor] Keep exact matches highlighted

When using the terminology lookup, exact matches detected are now kept highlighted when changing segments.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7869

Fix [Editor] Group Notifications

When notifying suppliers about a segment comment, the list of suppliers now contains only those who are assigned to the document including those who are assigned to closed standard jobs.

Editor, Project Managers - WM-9855

Fix [Editor] Clear sorting

[Editor] When sorting segments differently, it is now possible to clear the sorting from the arrow on the column header.

Editor, Translators - WM-5849

Fix [Editor] Versioned locale in segment viewer

[Editor] An error appeared when opening the resources from a column that had versioned locale. This has now been fixed.

Translation Finder, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-9895

Fix [Editor] Format lines spacing missing

In segments where there were multiple lines, the spaces at the end of each line were not visible in formatting mode. This has been fixed.

Editor, Translators - WM-10214

Fix [Price lists] Minimum charges with three digits

An comma appeared when entering minimum charges for specific language pairs with a value of three digits. This has been corrected.

General, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-10250

Fix Error message if file name is too long

When uploading files in certain areas of the TMS, e.g. in the jobs' attachments, a warning message has been added to inform the user should the name of the file exceed the character limit.

Job Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-9450

Fix [Editor] Shortcuts to go to next/previous unlocked segment

Shortcuts to go to previous/next unlocked segment have been corrected.

Editor, Translators - WM-9892

Fix [Webhooks API] Custom Field Placeholder

We have fixed the issue in the webhooks system to correctly replace custom field placeholders. The system now correctly detects and replaces custom field placeholders.

API Web Hooks, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-10105

Fix [Business Analytics] Formatting issue when exporting to Excel

An issue has been fixed in the business analytics module when exporting data in Excel: spaces contained in numbers have been removed to apply Excel number formatting.

Business Analytics, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-10019

Fix [API] Failure to download PDFs after a MT Hive request

The error message displayed when downloading PDF files after a MT hive request has been corrected.

API, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-10087





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