Releases 2021-05
This page shows items released in 2021-05.
NEW [Supported languages] Garifuna
The Garifuna language (ISO 639-3 code: cab) is now supported by Wordbee Translator.
Languages, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-9141
NEW [Machine translation] New languages supported by DeepL
The following languages have been added for DeepL machine translation:
Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Swedish.
Machine Translation, Project Managers - WM-8934
NEW [Supported languages] Cree, Plains Cree
The Cree language (ISO 639-3 code: cre) is now supported by Wordbee Translator. The Plains Cree locale (ISO 639-3 code: crk) is also supported separately.
Languages, Project Managers - WM-9195
NEW [Supported languages] Chipewyan
The Chipewyan language (ISO 639-3 code: chp) is now supported by Wordbee Translator.
Languages, Project Managers - WM-9196
NEW [Supported languages] Blackfoot
The Blackfoot language (ISO 639-3 code: bla) is now supported by Wordbee Translator.
Languages, Project Managers - WM-9194
IMPROVED [Machine translation] Better email notification
If machine translation fails, the email notification that you receive now includes a link to the document job as well as a link to the project details.
Emails, MT, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-8998
IMPROVED [Order form] Error message when uploading invalid .pdf files
When you want to upload documents to submit an order, if one or more of your .pdf files include oversized pages, a message now links to information on how to reduce the size of the pages to make the files valid.
Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-9020
IMPROVED [MT Hive] Helpful error message
If text cannot be extracted from a document for machine translation using MT Hive, an error message is displayed giving possible causes.
MT Hive, Project Managers - WM-9056
FIX [Terminology databases] Importing .tbx files
When you import a .tbx file that contains HTML character entity references (for example, “&”), the HTML is decoded, and the correct character (for example, “&”) is included in the term in the database.
Terminology, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8725
FIX [Machine translation] Accept MT of micro-segments
Documents that include a segment that has only one character can be machine translated.
Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-9277
FIX [Editor search] Filtering segments by context
In the editor, when you search segments and you filter the segments by context, the conditions you can apply to the context text are now: 'Phrase,' 'Case sensitive,' 'Plain,' 'Wildcards,' 'Regex,' and 'Empty,' but not the condition 'Similar.'
Editor, Search Bar, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8451
FIX [Projects] Editing project details
Usability of the ‘Project details’ page has been improved.
Price Management, Project Management, Project Managers - WM-9062
FIX [Projects] Removing language pairs for a document
When you remove a language pair for a document in a continuous project (Projects > select a Codyt project > Documents > Manage document > Down arrow > Remove language pair), all versions of the document corresponding to the language pair are now also removed. (Click the project's 'Jobs' tab to list versions.)
Workflows, Project Managers - WM-8737
FIX [PDF Converter] Enabling PDF converter
The PDF-to-Microsoft-Word converter works when the converter is enabled on the Wordbee Translator platform.
DCS, Project Managers - WM-9283
FIX [Projects] Cleaned up headings in 'Set cost' window
When you edit a project, click the 'Counts & Cost' tab, and then click 'Set cost,' all column headings in the 'Set cost' window are now intelligible.
Invoicing, Translators, Project Managers - WM-9144
FIX [Projects] List of projects displays correctly
On the Projects page, projects are now listed even when the name of a custom field contains the # character.
Project Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-9107
FIX [Projects] Line endings in target-language .json files
When the source file is a .json file (v2) that contains Unix coding, the target-language file now has line endings that are consistent with those of the source file.
File Formats, Project Managers - WM-7858
FIX [Supported languages] Inuktitut ISO 639-3 code
The correct ISO 639-3 code ("iku") is now used for the Inuktitut language in Wordbee Translator.
Languages, Project Managers - WM-9235
FIX [Editor or Projects] Previewing or finalizing .IDML files
InDesign .IDML files can now be previewed and finalized even if the .IDML file extension is in uppercase.
File Formats, Project Managers - WM-8638
FIX [Access rights] Viewing messages related to jobs
Access rights for viewing messages related to jobs are now better linked with each other. Access right R306 now takes precedence over R356. If you want to allow users to view messages that are related to all Codyt jobs in the same shared workflow, make sure to enable both of these access rights in the user profile.
Access-Rights, Administrators - WM-7116
FIX [Editor] Selecting a group of users to be notified
When you want to notify a group of users of an event regarding a document, you can now select from a correct list of all users that are assigned to jobs relating to the document.
Editor, Emails, Translators, Project Managers - WM-9160
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