Releases 2021-03
This page shows items released in 2021-03.
NEW [TermMgmt][TBX Properties] Support transaction properties for the creation or modification of records (responsibility, date)
[Terminology Management] [TBX Properties] Support transaction properties for creation/modification of records (responsibility, date), for example:
<transac type="transactionType">modification</transac>
<transacNote type="responsibility" target="511">Rageh Aly</transacNote>
Terminology, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-2578
IMPROVED DeepL MT Engine: Add Portuguese and English Variants
[Machine translation] Add Portuguese and English Variants to DeepL machine translation connector at Wordbee.
DeepL, MT, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-8203
IMPROVED Company contact now receives notifications when orders get reopened
We have changed the default behavior when the main contact of an order is the main company and the order gets re-opened. The system will now send the email to the company contact to notify the change in the status.
Client Orders, email, Clients, Administrators - WM-8141
FIX Issue in uploading new document versions
Uploading new document versions used to fail due to an issue with folder hirarchy and file location.
Project Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-8331
FIX Fix the issue for "Suppliers" & "Supplier Services" Views Impact Each Other
Fix the issue for "Suppliers" & "Supplier Services" Views Impact Each Other to have separated columns editing for each one
Supplier Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-8284
FIX Translation finder results improvement
We have improved the searching mechanism of the translation finder in the translation editor. The part responsible for Terms searching will now give higher importance to Terminology Databases
Editor, Resources, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8607
FIX [Editor] Automatic highlighting for translated terms
Fixed the issue when the automatic highlighting for translated terms disappeared after adding a non-breaking space or copy-pasting some text.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-4564
FIX Projects list: Print data to a Microsoft Excel (where "last modified source" and "last modified target" are missing).
Projects list: Print data to a Microsoft Excel (where "last modified source" and "last modified target" are missing).
Project Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-5906
FIX Invoice Excel import ignores assigned pricelist
Fixing the issue when Invoice Excel import ignores the assigned price list for the job or the layout settings and uses the standard price list instead.
Invoicing, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-7779
FIX [Access Rights] R317 not working for external workers
Fixed an issue reported with external workers (limited) are not able to edit a not started job although R317 (Can edit translations when job is not started) is enabled for them.
Access-Rights, Translators - WM-8302
FIX [Terminology] Terms are shown when searching by custom fields
[Terminology] [Searchbar] When searching custom fields in a termbase, any values found now display correctly.
Terminology, Translators - WM-8470
FIX [Kantan MT]: Translation failed
Using Kantan MT with large files might fail. Should this happen, with no clear error from Kantan, translations will result empty.
MT, Translators - WM-8439
FIX None clear errors when finalizing files with bad tag placement
Finalizing files with bad tag placement should show an error, however this was not the case from the status tab in codyt projects. This behavior now shows meaningful errors.
Job Management, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8468
NEW UI Languages
Add Catalan to the list of UI Languages of the website.
Languages, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8535
NEW Jobs: Workflow triggers when completing a job are now logged in the job messages panel
Applies when a project workflow ticks automated triggers such as running a QA, deleting next job, consolidating, delivery of files etc. These actions are executed delayed silently. We now log actions done in the job message panel. Please note that all the actions may sometimes run only a few minutes after completion of a job.
Workflows, Translators, Project Managers - WM-8625
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