Segmentation (SRX) Rules

Segmentation (SRX) Rules

Segmentation Rules eXchange, often referred to as SRX, is common XML-standard for defining how text is segmented during translation or additional types of language related tasks. The standard was created to enhance current TMX standards because tools segment text differently and is used to ensure that translation memory data is exchanged more effectively between applications. 

SRX rules applied during translation memory creation provide more leverage for deploying the translation memory data. They are used when text segments must be joined or split in a specific way. For more information see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_Rules_eXchange

What are Segmentation Rules?

Segmentation rules are used by the system to determine how extracted text will be split into segments and paragraphs. A default set of segmentation rules is defined and enabled in the system for each available language. The profiles have been designed so that you can customise the text segmentation rules to define how specific <text strings> should be treated and presented in the editor (same segment? Different segments?).

There are two kinds of profiles:

  • profile for all languages: containing common items for all texts, regardless their language.
  • language specific profiles: for abbreviations, ordinal followers, variables etc.

For each of the two categories, the system provides a default profile, which can be adapted to your own needs. Moreover, you can even create your own segmentation profiles and have them proposed when marking your files online.


How to activate them?

When configuring your File Format Configuration profiles, you can already configure how source text will be extracted in each case. Every language uses a default setting for Segmentation Rules during translation to ensure proper handling of text segments. Unless otherwise specified, these rules will be used when the Enable SRX Rules for Text Segmentation option has been enabled within a File Format Configuration for the appropriate language. 

SRX Rule Settings

Within the Wordbee Administration settings, you have the option to enable/disable a set of SRX rules, download them for viewing, and to make changes when necessary. 

To access the current listing of SRX Rule (Text Segmentation) configurations in Wordbee Translator, click on Settings in toolbar. Then scroll down to the Translation Settings section and click on Configure to the right of Segmentation Rules


When do I need to modify them?

If you have lists of abbreviations, ordinal followers, or other variables that need to be treated specially or at least not break a segment, you will need to adapt your segmentation rules (SRX Rules).

You can update each of the language specific profiles with your elements updating the default configuration.

Before doing any changes, download the original profile, just in case you need to restore the default settings at some point

The following pages will help you understand where SRX Rule configurations can be found within Wordbee Translator and how to view, modify, and create custom profiles: 

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