Segment (Object)

Segment (Object)

A JSON object that represents a segment with all data requested by the layout and to which a user has access. The object further includes information on what data can be edited.





The sequential ID of the segment in the document. It consists of the "paragraph" number and an optional sub-segment number.

Applies to project resources/memories only. With translation memories and termbases this field has no meaning.


For example, a document with 3 segments uses "1", "2" and "3".

If the second segment is split into 3 sub-segments, the numbers will be "1", "2", "2-2", "2-3" and "3".


"no" is constructed from the "bsid" and "bssid" fields described below and using this formula:

Note: We use the term "paragraph" to denote a segment including all its sub-segments. This may be a paragraph in a Word document that may or may not be split on sentence level into one or more sub-segments.

bsidThe paragraph sequential ID with the document. Starting at 1.int
bssidThe sub-segment ID, starting at 0. 0 = first sub-segment, 1 = second sub-segment...int

The globally unique ID of the segment. Use this id and not "no" to uniquely identify a segment within your platform.

didThe globally unique document ID. Each segment is attached to exactly one document. If the underlying resource is a translation memory or termbase then the "document" is understood as a grouping of related segments. For example, all segments imported from a TMX are grouped together.int

The globally unique resource ID. We sometimes refer to this as the "document set id", a term we use internally at Wordbee.

A resource has zero or more documents, which each have zero or more segments.


A numeric index denoting a sub-section of a document. The index starts at 0. If a document consists of sections such as slides in a Powerpoint file, then this is the index of the section or slide. When translating Word files, the sections are (among others) the "header", "body" and "footer".

 Segment level data 
editGeneral indicator if the segment can be edited or not. 
tagsMarkup information. Contains the list of markup elements in the original text of the segment. This information is encoded.string?

The context of the segment. It typically contains information of the paragraphs style.

Microsoft Word files: "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Footnote"

Microsoft Excel: "Cell 2,3"

HTML: "p", "script", ...

This field can be edited by users, see below.

ctx_editIndicates if the "ctx" field can be edited.bool
chminMinimum text length constraint. Null if none. Expressed in terms of characters, excluding markup.int?
chmaxMaximum text length constraint. Null if none. Expressed in terms of characters, excluding markup.int?
ch_editIndicates if the "chmin" and "chmax" fields can be edited.bool

A list of labels assigned to the segment. Note that labels need to be configured by the administrator under "Settings" > "Labels" > "Segments".

Each array element has these properties:

  • id: The unique ID of the label (int)
  • value: The assigned label value (string)
  • sav: A boolean which is true if the label value was never explicitly assigned but the value is configured to be "sticky" (i.e. shown by default)

If there is no label, the array is empty.


Indicates if labels can be edited. With the labels specifications you further obtain an information which labels exist, which options and for which labels editing rights are revoked.

If false, editing is prohibited.


A list of segment level custom fields, that is custom fields not assigned to a specific language but globally to the segment.

Each array element has these properties:

  • id: The ID of the custom field (int). IDs start at 1.
  • val: The field value (string)

If there is no custom field, the array is empty.


Indicates if custom fields can be edited. With the custom field specifications you further obtain an information which custom fields are configured and which are editable.

If false, editing is prohibited.


An object containing all the column values as defined in the layout.

A column may contain the English source text, another the Spanish translation, another comments, another the status of translation, another all the revisions, etc.

See below for details.



Columns "cols"

Each column appears as a property named "_" + the index of the column:

"cols": {
		"_0": { value of column #1 },
		"_1": { value of column #2 },
		"_2": { value of column #3 },


Each object has these properties.

columnThe column index starting at 0.int

The actual data in the column. The structure depends on the column type:

  • bk - Bookmark
  • cm - Comments
  • ctx - Segment context
  • cf - Custom field
  • lbl - Label
  • ed - Last editor
  • lck - Lock status
  • hits - Memory hits
  • cmnew - New comment box
  • revs - Revision history
  • st - Status
  • txt - Text (source and translation)
  • err - Q&A error details


"cols": {
		"_0": { 
			"column": 0,
			"bk": 1				// Bookmark is "blue"
			"bk_edit": true


The different column types are explained in the next chapters.


Indicates if the column is editable.


"cols": {
		"_0": { 
			"bk_edit": true


Most columns refer to a specific language (source/target). Which column refers to which language is defined in the spreadsheet layout. The layout is defined by: YOU. 


Bookmark column

This column is specific to a language.


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark


Text status column

This column is specific to a language.


Numeric source or translation status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = green status
  • 2 = red status



Lock status column

This column is specific to a language.


"lock" status:

  • false = properties in language not locked for editing
  • true = properties in language locked for editing



Last editor column

This column is specific to a language.


Numeric "last editor" status.

See Last Editor (Enumeration)




Error column

When you run a Q&A, errors are saved with the translation.

This column is specific to a language.


Last Q&A error for a text. 




Context column

The context of the segment. It typically contains information of the paragraphs style.

  • Microsoft Word files: "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Footnote"
  • Microsoft Excel: "Cell 2,3"
  • HTML: "p", "script", ...
  • ...

This field is not language specific.


Null or context. 




Text column

The source text or a translation plus ancillary data.


JSON object with properties, see below. 


Properties are:


locThe language code for the textstring

The text (source text or a translation) 


The translation status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = green status
  • 2 = red status

Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark

If the text was edited in the framework of a job, stores the type of job (the task code).


  • TR: Translation
  • RV: Revision

Please note that task codes are customizable.

cmcTotal number of comments attached to this text.int
edLast editor of text. See Last Editor (Enumeration)int
usidNull or the ID of the last changing user (if "ed" is Human). If the current user is not authorized to see user names, then the value will be null.int?
usdtLast change date if the change was done by a human.datetime?
hhTrue if there is a revision history.bool

If the translation was obtained from a memory pre-translation then this is the degree of similarity. For example, 110 stands for perfect pretranslation.

0 = no pre-translation.

errThe last Q&A error.string?

Numeric "lock" status:

  • false = properties in language not locked for editing
  • true = properties in language locked for editing
lck_editTrue if the user can lock or unlock the segment.bool
hnHash code of the subsequent segment text. Used internally to identify in-context (perfect) matches. Null if no context is known.int?
hpHash code of the preceding segment text. Used internally to identify in-context (perfect) matches. Null if no context is known.int?
cfsCustom fields. 
cfs_editTrue is user can edit custom fields. 
usfidNull or the ID of the last changing user (if "ed" is Human). If the current user is not authorized to see user names, then the value will be null. 
usfdtLast change date if the change was done by a human. 



Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark





Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark





Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark





Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark





Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark





Bookmark column


Numeric bookmark status:

  • 0 = none
  • 1 = blue bookmark
  • 2 = red bookmark







	"no": "4",
	"sid": 509648,
	"did": 1270,
	"dsid": 281,
	"sdid": null,
	"bsid": 4,
	"bssid": 0,
	"edit": true,
	"tags": null,
	"ctx": "",
	"ctx_edit": true,
	"chmin": null,
	"chmax": null,
    "ch_edit": true,
	"lbls": [],
	"lbls_edit": true,
	"cfs": [],
	"cfs_edit": true,
	"cols": {
		"_0": {
			"column": 0,
			"txt": {
				"val": "PO Box 650740",
				"st": 0,
				"bk": 0,
				"tsk": null,
				"loc": "en",
				"cmc": 0,
				"ed": 0,
				"usid": null,
				"usdt": "2016-10-21T10:58:05.0421378Z",
				"hh": false,
				"sim": 0,
				"err": null,
				"lck": false,
				"lck_edit": true,
				"hn": -317207512,
				"hp": 1010215521,
				"cfs": [],
				"cfs_edit": true,
				"usfid": null,
				"usfdt": null
			"txt_edit": true
		"_1": {
			"column": 1,
			"txt": {
				"val": "",
				"st": 2,
				"bk": 0,
				"tsk": "PROOF",
				"loc": "fr",
				"cmc": 0,
				"ed": 1,
				"usid": 66,
				"usdt": "2016-11-02T14:27:10.3167023Z",
				"hh": false,
				"sim": 0,
				"err": "Translation is empty. If this is intentional change status to green.",
				"lck": false,
				"lck_edit": true,
				"hn": null,
				"hp": null,
				"cfs": [],
				"cfs_edit": true,
				"usfid": null,
				"usfdt": null
			"txt_edit": true
		"_2": {
			"column": 2,
			"cf": null,
			"cf_edit": true

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Copyright Wordbee - Buzzin' Outside the Box since 2008