Rights (Object)
Starting with a scope, you can obtain the "rights" object. It includes a vast amount of information on the scope and the data you can access and manipulate:
- Scope information: Print title, Hyperlink to job/project/resource/global search pages, etc.
- Information on languages: For example, the source and target language of a job.
- Information on documents: Does the scope have source/target documents. How many?
- General access rights: Can you edit segments? Can you add or delete segments? Can you lock/unlock segments? And so on.
- Configuration details: Available custom fields and labels.
Note: You do not need to fetch this object in order to call API methods since each API method will validate the access rights related to the scope.
The JSON object has these properties:
scope | The scope object. It delimits the total range of segments and related resources that can be accessed. Example of a "job" scope: { "type": "Job", "jobid": 9927, "jobcdyt": true } | object |
properties | Additional information on the scope, such as title and hyperlinks:
Additional properties as a function of scope type: Project scope
Job scope
Global Search scope
Project, Job, Resource scopes
| object |
hasFiles | True if the scope has documents (source files and translated files). It is true for "Project" and "Job" scopes only. | bool |
hasSingleFile | True if the scope has documents and there is just a single source file. For example, with Codyt jobs this property will always be true. | bool |
locales | An array of all locales (languages) available in the scope and for the user. Each item has these properties:
| object[] |
labels | Contains characteristics and access rights for labels. The object properties are:
| object |
cf | An array of all custom fields to which the user has access. See this page for details: Custom Field (Object) | object[] |
comments | Describes generic access rights for manipulating segment and document level comments in the scope:
| object |
general | Describes other access rights useful to know with the scope:
| object |
tmhits | Describes filter and sort presets used for any translation memory searches. Presets can be specified in word count profiles in Wordbee Translator (and thus be linked to projects and jobs).
Note: These options are available only if tmhitsEnabled is true. | object |
esok | Boolean that tells whether your platform supports the tmhits options or not. There may be other product features enabled only if value is true. Over time the option will be supported for all Wordbee clients. | bool |
{ "scope": { "type": "Project", "projectid": 363 }, "properties": { "title": "Project", "name": "Sample project 1", "url": "http://xyz/a/devel/Codyt/Project/Details.aspx?x=szy5HWMdYvn5lKFvbUw8Mq1qUVH7RIiHqXj6N%2fj%2brp0%3d", "parent": null, "dsid": 386 }, "hasFiles": true, "hasSingleFile": false, "locales": [ { "loc": "fr", "name": "Français", "issrc": true, "istrg": true, "isadd": false, "canEdit": true, "loc_rtl": false }, { "loc": "en", "name": "Anglais", "issrc": false, "istrg": true, "isadd": false, "canEdit": true, "loc_rtl": false } ], "labels": { "canView": true, "canEdit": true, "labels": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Usefulness", "isSticky": false, "isStickyInLists": false, "options": [ { "name": "High quality", "value": 4, "htmlColor": "#92D050" }, { "name": "Medium quality", "value": 1, "htmlColor": "#FFCC00" }, { "name": "Low quality", "value": 2, "htmlColor": "#CC6600" }, { "name": "Do not use", "value": 3, "htmlColor": "#FF4F4F" } ] }, { "id": 1, "name": "Validated", "isSticky": false, "isStickyInLists": false, "options": [ { "name": "Validated", "value": 0, "htmlColor": "#92D050" }, { "name": "Validated", "value": 1, "htmlColor": "#d0d0d0" } ] } ] }, "cf": [ { "customFieldId": 1, "type": "String", "title": "String", "desc": "String field", "domain": "Segment", "tmx": "x-wb-customstr1", "enabled": true, "mandatory": false, "options": null, "max": 100, "rows": 1, "canEdit": true }, { "customFieldId": 2, "type": "Combo", "title": "Pick list field", "desc": "Pick list field", "domain": "Segment", "tmx": "x-wb-customstr2", "enabled": true, "mandatory": false, "options": [ "CATEGORY", "Character Name (Primary)", "Character Name (Secondary)", "Episode Title", "Location (Primary)", "Location (Secondary)", "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5", "Prop", "Property", "Quotation", "Song", "test" ], "max": 1000, "rows": 1, "canEdit": true } ], "comments": { "canDeleteCommentsOfOtherUsers": true, "canSendEmails": true, "canAddComments": true, "canEditComments": true }, "general": { "canSeeWorkerFullName": true, "canLockUnlockSegments": true, "canSetMinMax": true, "canAddSegment": false, "canDeleteSegment": false, "canViewBA": true, "canViewRefMat": false, "canEditRefMat": false, "canUseMT": true, "canIOXliff": true, "canIOXWord": true, "lockedQAProfileId": 0, "canRunQA": true, "canViewQA": true }, "tmhits": { "ctxboost": 0, "filters": null } }
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