This method provides information if and how a user can access segments in the given scope . A scope can be a job, project, global search, a translation memory and so on.
Gives full answers to:
- Can the user access segments in the scope in the first place? For example, a translator most often cannot access the segments in a project.
- What are the accessible languages, segment fields, custom fields, labels, etc?
- Which editing operations are allowed? Can I edit texts, meta information, split/merge etc?
- What are the languages with code and name, custom field codes and names and so on?
This information can be used if you build a translation editing interface and you need to know in advance what information the user can access and modify.
(POST) /api/resources/segments/rights
The message body contains a JSON object:
BODY | The scope json object. For example, for a job, project, memory, term base, global search etc. Example for a job: { "type": "Job", "jobid": 18422, "jobcdyt": true } Example for a project: { "type": "Project", "projectid": 229 } See Scope (Object) for more details. | object, Mandatory |
The method returns all the information for the scope.
See Rights (Object)
Requesting information for a scope the user is not authorized to access at all, will return an error.
For example, an external translator will not be able to obtain information for a project-scope. He/She may get information for authorized jobs only (such as assigned jobs).
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