Manage an order
In case you need to be the main contact point for the client who submitted the order, you will need to make yourself manager of the order.
This is important if you want to make sure the client can has a dedicated person to contact once he has questions, add files or wants to clarify any details.
Become the manager of an order
Once you edit the order, you will have the possibility to enter your name in the Management information area, at the bottom of the screen.
once you save the changes, the field will be updated with your name
Set people on copy for an order
The main contacts remain the stakeholders of the present work and cannot be removed. However, if any person from the client side or your own team needs to follow-up on the updates of the order, they can be set on copy of any Email Notification disclosed in the life cycle of this request.
These additional users in the "mailing list" for this order's updates, from the add/remove people link, by checking the boxes next to their profile.
Users are divided in two categories:
- Client side: includes all users registered in the client company*
- Supplier side: includes all users in the Master Company*
Don't miss a notification*!
When the status of the order changes or users need to send messages with the View/Send tool, all users involved in the order will be notified. This includes also people who can be subscribed to any of the events triggered by their their team.
*Subscribers can customize events under the 'Subscriber - Orders owned by others' in the user's My Account - Notifications page
If you also need to be the main contact person for your vendors, you will need to become the manager of the project. Find how to do this in the dedicated page of the documentation.
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