Business Analytics Overview
Business Analytics Overview
Business Analytics
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In the Wordbee Translator business analytics module, you will find a wide range of reports corresponding to specific categories.
- Point to the down arrow next to My Company on the menu bar.
- Select Business Analytics.
The reports are represented by graphs.
- Select a category.
- Select the part of the year you want to see (month, week, quarter, semester, full year...)
The top of the page is dedicated to the jobs and the documents. You have access to several tabs regarding the number of words, the job duration, the deadlines... Some averages are also displayed on the right concerning the number of documents, segments, words... per job.
The bottom of the page is dedicated to the workers and gives information about the jobs, documents, words... managed by the suppliers.
: reach the supplier's page.
- Select a period of time, a type of job, a language, a manager.
- Go through all the tabs (volume, languages, workers, clients...) to get detailed information about the supplier work.
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