Data Import
Wordbee allows you to quickly import your clients, suppliers and pricelists' information on your environment, by the mean of Excel sheets.
In this section, you will learn about:
The Administrator can download these Excel sheets bypassing his mouse over My company and by clicking on Data import:
From the Data import page you can choose between 3 templates:
Importing Clients and Supplier companies: To import new companies and company details to the system.
Importing Pricelists: To import company pricelists.
Importing People and Logins to the platform: to create user profiles and/or logins for internal and external users.
How to proceed
Start by selecting the type of content to import and then download the sample Excel file.
Once the document filled-in, you will have to upload it back to the same page, to import all information.
If you wish to import People and Logins or Pricelists, you need to make sure the company you wish to attach those already exists in the system.
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