Releases 2017-10

Releases 2017-10

This page shows items released in 2017-10.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

IMPROVED Accept TMX import with some deviation from standard

When a TMX is imported, the i attribute is used to pair the <bpt> elements with <ept> elements. But in standard this attribute must be a number. This is not the case in some TMX imported by client. So we improve this feature in order to accept those deviation from standard

Administration, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-814

FIX When creating a picklist custom field and immediately click "add missing value", the system return an error

When creating a picklist custom field and immediately click "add missing value" before saving, then the system return an error.

Administration, Administrators - WM-801

FIX Error shown when user clicks "Statistics" in a company or person but the Wordbee subscription does not include "Business Analytics"

The "Statistics" tab is now hidden when the subscription plan does not include the "Business Analytics" component

Business-Analytics, Reports, Administrators - WM-606

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

NEW Linguistic resources can be deleted in the new editor

When working on linguistic resources (translation memories, terminologies...), it is now possible to delete individual segments within the interface of the new editor.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-767

NEW Custom fields added to services in a price list

You can now add custom fields to service in a price list. Fields are configured by the administrator at "Settings" > "Custom fields" > "Price list services".

Price Management, Project Managers - WM-481

NEW Orders list: Links added to each line to directly navigate to project, jobs and more.

Orders list: Links added to each line to directly navigate to project details, jobs list, cost and more.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-743

NEW [InstantTranslate] New option to submit translation request by pressing the ENTER key

A new user option has been added to the new instant translation app allowing users to submit their translations directly by pressing the ENTER key.

MT Hive, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-784

IMPROVED Outlook plugins - v1.01.25: Deadline selection improved when submitting post edit request.

New plugin version 1.01.25 available for download. When submitting a post edit request for a machine translation, the deadline selector does not format dates in the PC's local date format. This has been fixed.

Office Plugins, Clients - WM-811

IMPROVED New languages : Dzonkha, Native Hawaiian, Chamorro and Okinawan

Several new languages have been added to the system :
- Dzonkha
- Native Hawaiian
- Chamorro
- Okinawan


Core, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Beebox, Leads - WM-794

FIX [NewEditor] XLIFF import does not import tags

Using the new editor, it is not possible to import tags while importing an XLIFF file, they are ignored and not updated.

Editor, Translators - WM-807

FIX [NewEditor] Impossible to create a new segment in the new editor but it is possible in the old one

In some cases, it is impossible to create a new segment in the new editor but it is possible in the old editor. Creation not authorized for this resource.

Editor, Translators - WM-788

FIX Line break issue in reconstructed YAML files

An issue with line break in some yaml reconstructed files has been identified and corrected.
Folded style text nodes (starting with char >) were not properly managed. Now these nodes are converted to Literal style nodes (starting with char | ) in the reconstructed document .

File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-772

Thursday, October 12, 2017

FIX [TranslateApp] Cross-browser fixes for the new Instant Translate App

The new Instant Translate app has been updated to work with all the latest browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer 11).

MTPlus, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-771

FIX Upload background is not available for Firefox and Edge users

The "upload new background" button isn't reachable for Firefox and Edge users, even when scrolling down to the bottom of the list.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-781

FIX Exporting Arabic column as Word from the new editor does not display right-to-left but left-to-right

When we export a word in the new editor that has Arabic column, the content of this column is set to left-to-right rather than right-to-left and aligned to the right.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-783

FIX [NewEditor] IDML preview now download a PDF file rather than a IDML file

IDML preview in the new editor is now downloading a PDF file rather than a IDML file, like in the old editor.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers, Leads - WM-716

FIX [NewEditor] Translators are not able to see reference materials

It is currently impossible to see reference materials in the new editor currently, only administrators are allowed to see the reference materials.

Editor, Translators - WM-787

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

NEW New Google-style translation tool added to MT Hive

A new fully responsive interface has been added to the MT Hive to translate plain text

MTPlus, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-473

NEW New UI : disable background image

The user preferences permits to disable the background image in the new user interface. That allows to minimize first loading time.

Editor, MT Hive, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-785

NEW CSV file filter: Column delimiter can now be set to ^

CSV files typically use colons, semi-colons or tabs as column delimiters. For a special use case we have now added an option for delimiter "^". CVS file filters are configured under Settings > CSV.

File Formats, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-754

NEW New filter on target language in the orders list

You will find a new "Target language" filter in the orders list. This permits to find orders for a specific target language.

Client Orders, Project Managers - WM-729

NEW API: Method to download SRX rules

The API methods are documented here:

API, Administrators - WM-497

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Taking a Standard job that has the status proposal has been improved and is now creating a new invoice

Taking a Standard job that has the status proposal has been improved and is now creating a new invoice.

Editor, Translators - WM-738

IMPROVED API: It is now possible to update the MinAmountGroups

We added the possibility to update the MinAmountGroups using the API.

API, Administrators - WM-736

IMPROVED [NewEditor] "Insert" button in special characters feature should close the window

"Insert" button in special characters feature is now closing the window.

Editor, Translators - WM-759

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Insert several characters at once in special characters feature

It is now possible to insert several characters at once in special characters feature.

Editor, Translators - WM-758

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Saving empty mandatory fields when editing a single segment fails during save

Saving a empty mandatory fields in the edition mode of a segment now triggers a modal pop up, asking you whether you are sure that you want to save or not.

Editor, Translators - WM-757

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Actions validation on languages has been improved, it is now possible to apply an action to a language that cannot be edited, depending on the action

Actions validation on languages has been improved, it is now possible to apply an action to a language that cannot be edited, depending on the action.

The following actions now cannot be processed if the chosen locale cannot be edited :
- Bookmark
- Custom Field
- Errors
- Find And Replace
- Label
- Length Constraints
- Lock/Unlock
- Remove Language
- Status

Editor, Translators - WM-740

IMPROVED Improved login dialog of new translation editor - custom domains

Clients with a custom domain for Wordbee Translator will see that the Account ID field is now removed from the login dialog (of the new translation editor). This field is not required with custom domains.

MT Hive, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-774

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Edit segment pop-up does not allow to deselect all languages

It is now possible to deselect all languages in edit segment pop-up, you can click on the "All" button that is checked to deselect all languages.

Editor, Translators - WM-773

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Segment text length constraints feature has been reworked and is now allowing you to choose different modes (Percent, Absolute, Add, Clear)

Segment text length constraints feature has been reworked and is now allowing you to choose different modes :
- Percent
- Absolute
- Add
- Clear

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-768

IMPROVED [NewEditor] Alternative display for character count

Clicking the character count in the new editor toggles the way it's displayed. This new display option shows how many characters are left before hitting the minimum and maximum character limits.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-770

IMPROVED the Jobs Custom fields are now displayed in the job notifications for unassigned or revoked jobs.

the Jobs Custom fields are now displayed in the job notifications for unassigned or revoked jobs.

Administration, Administrators - WM-735

FIX Beebox Pass-Though projects fixed (API)

We fixed an issue in our API that prevented the Beebox from checking the status of the Pass-Through jobs on Wordbee when more than 2000 jobs were submitted at the same time.

Beebox - WM-733

FIX [NEW EDITOR] Fix an issue that prevents the editor to open a page

Fix an issue that prevents the editor to open a page if a segment contains an invalid character.

Editor, Translators - WM-756

FIX [NewEditor] Reconstructing a document in target language that had no previous version triggers a crash, preventing to download or preview the file

Reconstructing a document in target language that had no previous version triggers a crash, preventing to download or preview the file.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-739

FIX [NewEditor] Taking a Codyt job that has the status proposal does not change it to "In Progress" and forces the supplier to confirm twice the action

When taking a Codyt job that has the status proposal, it does not change it to "In Progress" and forces the supplier to confirm twice the action.

Editor, Translators - WM-737

FIX When a Clients is remove from the platform it is not remove from manager's client list

Whenever any Client is removed from the platform, it is not removed from the manager's client list.

Administration, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-765

FIX Fix an issue when document is split in multiple jobs and contains a high number of segments.

Fix an issue when document is split in multiple jobs and contains a high number of segments.
It prevents the editor to display segments

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-780

FIX [NewEditor] Inconsistencies in "Set Status" action have been changed

Unclear description, values, texts have been changed to more convenient values.

Editor, Translators - WM-769

FIX Editor not opening for standard jobs when a document is split in multiple jobs

When a document has a high number of paragraph, and is split in multiple jobs, sometimes the current editor is not opening.

Editor, Translators - WM-763

FIX Orders "view work progress" button disable if not authorized for client

If client is not authorized to view the work progress of the project attach to the order, the button is not displayed. This mean he cannot track the status of any job.

Client Orders, Clients - WM-761





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