Releases 2018-08

Releases 2018-08

This page shows items released in 2018-08.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

NEW Workflow options: New option to include only completed languages with multilingual file deliverables

The workflow profile of a project has a new option to create the translated file automatically when a workflow is completed. This option is for multilingual files (Excel, Csv, Xml, Json).
To access the option go to a workflow profile and first tick "Automatically create and save translated file upon workflow completion". Then you will find the new option "Do not include translations in other languages unless their respective workflows are completed.
Multilingual files may contain translations in more languages than the one for which the deliverable is created. This option ensures that the file ony includes completed languages. A language is considered completed if its workflow is completed, i.e. all related jobs are completed.

Workflows, Project Managers - WM-1448

NEW [Editor] Add Lock/Unlock to source text and performance improvements

Your feedback has shown that it is too easy to edit source text in the translation editor, so we have added a new switch in source columns which unlocks the possibility to edit source text. This option is only made available for users that have the correct access rights.

We've also included some changes which should significantly improve the memory management in the editor, resulting in better performance, especially when working on larger jobs/documents.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-1430

IMPROVED All project's languages in "Revision" layout for a job

After opening a job in the Editor, and changing the layout to the "Revision" layout, all the project's languages were displayed with their "Revision" column instead of just the job's languagues.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Freelancers - WM-1514

FIX [Fixed]- Issue found in segment's revision information when consolidation same source text with different translation multiple times

[Fixed]- Issue found in segment's revision information when consolidation same source text with different translation multiple times

Resources, Project Managers - WM-1515

FIX Editor - Cannot use the "join with next segment" feature

An issue prevented the use of the "join with next segment" feature if the cursor was not in the appropriate cell.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-1493

FIX [Editor][Standard jobs] Does not show the list of files

When a user open a job from a standard project into the new Editor, now he can see the documents list an switch beetween us.

The design was updated too

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-1485

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

NEW New workflow option: Automatically run a QA upon completion of job

The project workflow settings now propose a new option to execute a QA after completion of a job. For example, you can tick the option for the translation step so that the reviser will immediately see any QA errors. The option requires the selection of a QA profile.
To access the workflow settings of a project, go to the project details and click the "Workflow & Suppliers" link. Reusable workflow profiles are configured under "Settings" > "Workflow profiles".

Workflows, Project Managers - WM-1434

NEW The indication of changes are now included in Excel revision report

Just as it happens in the Classic Editor, the Revisions Report generated in the New Editor now highlights the changes done in each segment, allowing to better navigate the segment history.

API, Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1162

NEW New business report S303 added to the WBT

A new report has been added to WBT called S303 showing shows orders and respective sales. Sales are split down by individual services such as cost of translation, cost of fuzzy translation, cost of revision, etc.

The new report (Print client sales with all invoice lines) is based on the exiting S301 report with minor variations:
* A new placeholder allows to retrieve "Description" lines from invoices.
* Contrary to reports S301, Report S303 does not group invoice details with identical language combinations, task types (translation, revision...), unit codes (per word, per page...), unit price, discount and match rates or total amount.

More details can be found on the following link: https://documents.wordbee.com/display/WBT/Report+S303+-+Client+sales+-+Details

Reports, Project Managers - WM-1350

Thursday, August 23, 2018

NEW API v2: New /persons/list/* - Implementation of a new filter method to search and filter persons

New search and filter persons has been added to the Wordbee Translator.
More details can be found on the following page http://documents.wordbee.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6817464

API, Administrators - WM-1121

NEW New project workflow option: How to process new version of document

When a new version of a file is uploaded, the workflow and some other parameters of the old-version of this file are kept and applied to the new job.

Job Management, Workflows, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1425

FIX [Fixed] Global Search (search query issue) widget under home page

Issue found in Global Search widget under home page, whens searching for a text starts with open tag '<', it redirects to functionality failed page.

GlobalSearch, Translators, Freelancers - WM-1478

FIX [Fixed] Regular expressions added under 'Segments' section under 'Do Not translate' tab not working for XML parser

Wordbee fixed the issue regarding regular expressions added under 'Segments' section under 'Do Not translate' tab not working for XML parsers.

File Formats, Project Managers, Leads - WM-1462

FIX Resources Editor: Columns manager fixed

Editor Columns manager: The editor now correctly retrieve saved columns.
Editor Columns manager: The editor now correctly retrieve saved columns.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-1471

FIX [Editor] Spaces between tags now allowed

When editing a segment with markup tags, spaces inserted between tags are not automatically removed anymore.

Editor, Translators - WM-1483

FIX [Editor] Fixed an issue preventing rolling back to the previous job for certain profiles

An erroneous check was done when rolling back a job to the previous worker, preventing the action in certain circumstances. This has now been fixed.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1480

FIX [Editor] Split segment at cursor available in the source cell (while editing)

Issue found and fixed when the "Split at cursor" option for segments didn't appear regularly in the source cells as it suppose to. Now when the user is editing a segment, the option appears as long as the cursor is not at the end of the cell.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Freelancers - WM-1415

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

NEW [Editor] Exporting the revisions column now displays all segment history.

Exporting the revisions column from the Editor to Word or Excel now displays all segment history. Before the output file did not contain all revisions.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Freelancers - WM-1437

NEW PDF filter: Optionally generate PDF instead of Word

It is now possible to configure the PDF parser to reconstruct the translated files as PDF instead of DOCX.

File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-1450

FIX [Fixed] - Order forms having layout set from "Regular work" to "Interpretation/Appointment" now have the "Uploading files" field defined as optional

Changing order form layout option from "Regular work" to to "Interpretation/Appointment", now makes the field "Uploading files" field optional.

Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-1481

Thursday, August 16, 2018

FIX [QA] Fixed some QA rules not displaying all relevant results

Some QA rules weren't displaying all relevant information after a QA Check, such as the Terminology Check. This has now been fixed. A QA will now always display all results.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-1472

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

IMPROVED [Editor] Set deliverable setting to print source text is now saved as a user setting

When using the set deliverable window, we now save the setting to print source text to empty translations as a user setting.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-1464

IMPROVED API v1 now accepts changes for non-master companies

The API v1 has been improved to accept price list changes for companies that are not master.

API, Project Managers, Leads - WM-1432

FIX [Fixed] Translation files delivery to client not working

Wordbee has fixed an issue were translation files are not delivered to the client's order after changing job status back and forth from 'in progress' to 'completed'.

Workflows, Project Managers, Clients - WM-1465

FIX [Editor] Fix dictionaries

[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries[Editor] Fix dictionaries

Editor, Translators - WM-1457

FIX [Editor] Comments timeline display issue discovered and fixed

After creating multiple comments in a specific context, only one of them was visible in the timeline and the comments column in the editor.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Freelancers - WM-1460

Thursday, August 9, 2018

NEW [NewEditor] Fix emails not being sent when rolling back to the previous task

We have fixed an issue where specific e-mails weren't being sent back to the previous worker when the job was sent back to him.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-1386

FIX [Fixed] 'Unique Users' under 'User Activity' is not calculated correctly, it shows the unique companies instead

'Unique Users' under 'User Activity' is not calculated correctly, it shows the unique companies instead.

Administration, Administrators - WM-1442

FIX [Editor] Fixed accessing all files and preview functions in segment-free documents

We have fixed an issue with accessing certain parts of the editor when no segments were extracted for the document.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-1422

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

NEW API: New methods to random sample translations by various criteria - Use with vendor evaluation workflows

We added multiple API calls to retrieve random samples of translations. Such samples can be used to evaluate vendor quality, quality delivered to clients, quality of project work over a specific time period and for many other scenarios.
The API methods are documented here: https://documents.wordbee.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9114308

QA, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1382

FIX [Editor] Add a comment for a segment or document

When a CoDyt job status is completed, a translator can add a comment on a segment or a document. However, in the new editor, the access right corresponding is built differently and a translator can not add any comment if the job status was "completed". This issue has been fixed and tested by Wordbee.

Editor, Translators, Clients - WM-1443

FIX [Editor] Batch actions (lock, status, bookmark, etc) of segments now works properly

Update on source or target columns can now be done using any of the batch actions. Before, some segments were skipped and not processed.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-1420

FIX [Fixed] Suppliers dynamic groups -> Issue discovered when saving group filter options

Suppliers dynamic groups, issue found when saving the group's filter options after choosing "6 (best)" or "1 (worst)" for 'Service rating equal or above' option.

Supplier Management, Administrators - WM-1431

FIX [Fixed] Order and project datelines issues regarding the deadlines and job creation

Wordbee has found an issue on both order and project deadlines were not adjusted and no jobs were created when submitting an order having the "Amend client deadline" and "Extend project deadline when order deadline was extended" enabled.

Workflows, Clients, Administrators - WM-1435

Thursday, August 2, 2018

FIX [Microsoft MT] Adjusted Chinese Simplified/Traditional to work with Microsoft's changes

We have adjusted our Microsoft MT Connector in order to make it work with Microsoft's API changes in regards to the Chinese Simplified and Traditional locales.

Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1426

FIX DeepL Pro: problems with segments contains "%"

Wordbee fixed DeepL Pro problems with segments contains "%" resulted in untranslated segments, or misplaced letters.

Machine Translation, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-1428

Accessing editor when the company has a custom company logo now displays it correctly in the top bar. Not having a custom company logo still displays the Wordbee logo

Editor, Translators - WM-1427

FIX [Editor] Issue discovered on the key combination deleting additional line breaks in the middle of the segment

When working in the Editor (with formatting marks disabled), the translated text in the 1st half of the segment was deleted after a particular key combination ("Enter" twice followed by "backspace" once), if the cursor was already in the middle of a cell. The goal was to delete the last line break. The problem has now been solved.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Clients, Freelancers - WM-1408





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