Prepare your segments for project consolidation
Before you complete your project workflow, you will need to make sure the right segments get stored for future reuse. Deciding which segments meet the quality for future reuse is very often the responsibility of a revisor or the manager of the project. That is why very often these are the ones responsible for the last step in the project workflow.
During that step, segments will be last updated before merged into the master memory, so that translations can be reused in future projects.
Read below to know what are some of the features and possible scenarios you may encounter and how to handle them
Use the segment status for consistency reasons
Before the job is set as completed, make sure you set the status of each segment to success (green color), so that the segments are merged into the destination resource accordingly. Moreover, it is necessary if you decide to leave some of the segments in the target language empty. Segments in green status will also qualify better if two matches with the same % are proposed by the system.
In general, it is always a good practice to confirm that the content of each segment is validated, regardless of the warning and info messages displayed in the tool.
If you want to exclude some segments from being consolidated, you can mark them with a red status or red bookmark, which means that you only need them in the current translation but not for future projects. Segments that have the same text in source and target fields are also handled with a specific option. Learn more about this scenario here.
Once the job is completed, the consolidation takes place
If you are merging segments into an existing resource, you may be updating existing translations or creating additional entries for new languages in the database. Although undoing the consolidation of segments removes the merged texts from the resources, sometimes it won't be possible to retrieve all previous properties attached to the segment right away. Be careful when updating your segments and make sure that your whole team aligns to the same consolidation strategy.
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