Releases 2019-01

Releases 2019-01

This page shows items released in 2019-01.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

IMPROVED Improve time to check opened jobs status

Drastically improved the time to retrieve the jobs status of the beebox opened jobs for passthrough project. And improve the time to download the preliminary files.

Core, Translators, Beebox - BB-79

IMPROVED Improving the time to load the instructions files

We have improved the time to load all the instructions file, it used to take ~5 mins, it now takes between 5s and 25s.
(We are talking here about very big project : around 50k files, the time can vary with projects)

Core, Translators, Project Managers, Beebox - BB-74

IMPROVED Reconstruction error message are now visible

In the Target file page, we now show the detailed error message when a file fails during the delivery (e.g. misplaced tags). The errors messages are still available in the log files available under Recents Events.

Core, Beebox - BB-68





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