Releases 2019-09
This page shows items released in 2019-09.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Connectors, Clients, Beebox - BB-147
New Beebox reference attachments
It is now possible to add some reference attachments in Beebox instruction files. These files are automatically transferred to Wordbee Translator jobs attachments. There is no limit of attachments but all of them should weight less than 50 Mb.
Connectors, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - BB-112
New Beebox .NET 4.7.2
Wordbee Beebox is now using .NET 4.7.2. The installer will prompt you to install the latest version of .NET 4.7.2 if it is not installed on your system yet. Windows 10 and Server 2016 most updated system should already have .NET 4.7.2 installed through Windows Update.
Core, Beebox - BB-93
Improved API: Showing 0 segments files
We changed the behavior of the API call api/workprogress/translatedfiles to show files without any segments as ready like in the UI interface. Previously, the 0 segments files were shown as not existing but this had as consequence to block some files forever in some CMS.
Core, Beebox - BB-89
Improved Improved language selector
We improved the language selector to keep parameters as such as ?id=xxx when switching between languages or enable/disabling the interactive mode.
LivePreview, Beebox - BB-91
Fix Duplicate jobs in Beebox overwrite the previous target version
When the translation of a segment in a file is changed, the system was generating again the target files. As this behavior is not always wanted, we added an option to avoid recreating the target files when they have already been created once.
Core, Project Managers - BB-110
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