Releases 2020-09

Releases 2020-09

This page shows items released in 2020-09.

Friday, September 25, 2020

NEW Create SDL Web/LiveContent Documentation

Create SDL Web/LiveContent Documentation

Connectors, Clients - BB-418

IMPROVED Manual import of xliff jobs fails on empty lines

Manual import of xliff jobs had issue. When the job has a new lines ant the end or at the begining, file was marked as error source. Right now thos jobs are regnized corectly.

Wordbee BB, Clients, Beebox - BB-385

FIX Return proper error while localizing project by cmd

When we localizing files by cmd , the errors are not accurate. When the file is corrupted I only see "Build process failed or canceled." Without proper error message. However, the error message can be found in the event logger.

CommandLine, Translators, Beebox - BB-356

FIX Fix text counter, availabe on job page editor

Fix text counter, availabe on job page editor

Core, Beebox - BB-397

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

NEW Drupal - The Drupal plugin was update to the new Drupal version 9

Drupal - The Drupal plugin was update to the new Drupal version 9

Connectors, Clients - BB-295

FIX Empty encoding when Beebox is creating deliverables

When user in Beebox was creating deliverable files for format xliff (this is manuall process), Beebox set empty encoding for generated file, which at the end was invalid generation and whole operation was ended with error.

Wordbee BB, Beebox - BB-368





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