Releases 2017-04

Releases 2017-04

This page shows items released so far this month.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

IMPROVED WPML integration

We added some internal feature in order to integrate Beebox to WPML Translators.

Core, Beebox - BB-21

Saturday, April 22, 2017

FIX Complete files bundling mode: In some cases the system did not auto create jobs

Beebox projects can be configured to create jobs that contain ALL segments of a given file. With this mode there were cases where the system held back creating new jobs for new files (it could always be triggered manually though). This problem is resolved.

Jobs, Beebox - BB-19

Friday, April 21, 2017

IMPROVED Update built-in ACL

Due to the change of Wordbee-Translator network, some features (specificaly Live Preview) are not working due to our ACL. We updated the ACL in this new version of Beebox.

LivePreview, Beebox - BB-18

IMPROVED Project creation: copy properties improved

When copying properties from another project, some properties were missing. We added the missing properties. If enabled on the source project, the CMS connectors credentials are still regenerated for security reasons.

Core, Beebox - BB-17

Thursday, April 13, 2017

IMPROVED Mail server: username/password are not longer required

Some SMTP server do not require a username/password to send emails. This field is no longer mandatory when setting up your email server in Wordbee Beebox.

Core, Beebox - BB-16

Thursday, April 6, 2017

FIX FrameMaker files issue fixed

We fixed another issue preventing Beebox to release the lock on the opened FrameMaker files during the delivery process.

Core, Beebox - BB-15

FIX Multilingual files delivery issue fixed

We fixed an issue related to the multilingual files (e.g. XLIFF). For such files, Beebox deliverables were stuck on the "translating" status and prevented file creation.

Core, Beebox - BB-14





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