Releases 2017-02

Releases 2017-02

This page shows items released in 2017-02.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NEW LivePreview can now redirect users to a defined page

Beebox now offers to redirect users to a specific landing page in the preview website. Typically, when you translate web contents, say an XML file, the website page can be indicated in a node.
With this new development, LivePreview will redirect the user to the page defined in the source file when clicking on the preview function.

LivePreview, Beebox - BB-7

FIX FrameMaker files issue fixed

We fixed an issue that prevented Beebox to release the lock on the opened FrameMaker files.

Core, Beebox - BB-8

FIX Memory problem fixed

We fixed a problem that can prevent very big projects to be loaded properly due to a Memory issue (System.OutOfMemoryException).

Core, Beebox - BB-6

FIX Maintenance : preliminary files are now deleted in subfolders

When running the "Remove cancelled workflows and files" maintenance task on the Beebox, some preliminary files weren't deleted correctly when located in a subfolder. They are now removed properly.

Core, Beebox - BB-5

FIX An issue with language/website selection is fixed

An issue which prevent Live Preview from working after a language/website selection is now fixed in Live Preview.

LivePreview, Beebox - BB-4





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