

The Automation features of Beebox are among the most exciting. Who does not dream of a fully automated translation workflow?

Automatic vs Manual Operations

While you can control each translation workflow step manually with the user interface, you can also automate some or even all operations:

  • Automatically machine translate content
  • Automatically pseudo-translate content (also called dummy translation often used by localization teams)
  • Automatically create human translation jobs
  • Automatically send jobs to XLIFF hotfolders, Wordbee Translator or other TMS
  • Automatically receive translations back from XLIFF hotfolders or Wordbee Translator
  • Automatically cancel jobs if source files are deleted
  • Automatically create the translated files when all translations are received (or approved)
  • Automatically execute a Powershell script to deliver translations
  • Automatically execute C# code to deliver translations

We recommend reading the following page to get a better idea how Beebox workflows work: Translation Process

Executing Automatic Operations

Automatic operations, if enabled, run every so many seconds, minutes or hours. You configure the interval.

You can also choose to trigger automatic operations only when you click the Start Autorun link below the left navigation menu. Finally, operations can be triggered using the API.


The automation settings are accessed in the Settings section of a project:

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