How to configure and connect Beebox to Wordbee Translator
This article provides useful guidelines for configuring Beebox in such a way that you can benefit from all the features when connecting it to Wordbee Translator.
How to configure Beebox
CMS and regular Beebox projects may consist of:
Source language
One or multiple target languages
One Translation Memory.
They can be connected to a Wordbee Translator project or to a different TMS or CAT tool.
Pass-trough projects do not contain a translation memory because they aim at sending jobs to Wordbee Translator or other TMS in their native format. No file processing is done.
More than one Beebox project can be connected to the same Wordbee Translator project, even when the source language is different.
We recommend you to connect only one Beebox project to the same Wordbee Translator project when you plan to set up separate workflows, vendors, pricing policies, and linguistic databases (resources),
When you configure Beebox, remember to:
Enter the target website in the CMS Connector tab and enable the preview function in the Translation Vendor tab if you are using Live Preview.
Review whether the Preview landing page is still valid.
Link the project to the corresponding Wordbee Translator platform from the Translation Vendor.
Click on the expand arrow to view a couple of known issues and how to solve them.
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