How to create a Standard Project
The following steps should be performed for standard projects:
When a client requests a service such a translation, the project manager has to define and create a project, send a quote with a price proposition, and finally assign and perform the translations and deliver the project.
As you can see from the image below, a standard project involves six general steps:
- Define the project details. Note that they can be predefined if there is an internal or external order in progress.
- Compile and upload all the documents that are part of the project. This can also be skipped if the client has submitted an internal or external order.
- Choose project resources that will help with the translation.
- Distribute the tasks (called jobs).
- Reassemble the project pieces when the translation is done: download all the documents to your computer and send the final product to your client.
- Start creating your project:
Use the following image as a guide when you create a project:
In this section, you can find:
1. Defining Project Details
Once you have met all of the requirements (see: Project requirements ) you are ready to begin defining your project.
To define a new project, follow these steps:
- In your Wordbee's workspace, click on or point to the Projects' down arrow on the menu bar. A popup list appears.
- Select New Standard project from the list. The New project details page opens.
Note : You can also create a project by clicking on New project on the Quick links panel of the Home page or on New project located on the upper right part of the Projects page near the search icon .
- Fill-in the details. This is always the first step. The other tabs are not available until you finish filling in this first page.
- Click on Save & Continue.
Remarks about the fields of the Project details page:
- Project status: When you first create a project, it is always set to In progress. However, you can choose another status from the dropdown list by clicking on the arrow.
- Reference: If you do not fill-in this field, Wordbee Translator generates a reference that automatically contains the year and a sequential number. It is important to have a consistent numbering system since this number is used later on to name the Project memory (see: Project memories)
- Client: Click on Select to choose. If you are your own client, choose the name of your company.
- Price list: The price list will be used by Wordbee Translator to estimate the cost to translate the documents of the project and create the proposal that will be presented to your client. If you have several price lists, click on the arrow and select the one you require. To create and/or modify a price list (see: Prices).
- Manager: Your name will appear automatically. Select another by clicking on the arrow. Note that the name of the user who is logged in is automatically entered in this field; however you can always select another manager (see: In-house logins).
- Received: Project's date of reception. Click on the calendar icon to select the date and on the clock to select the time.
- Deadline: Project's date of delivery.
- Requirements: Click on Preset from templates to select a project template among those registered (see: Project templates).
- Instructions: This field is used to transmit instructions to your clients or to the suppliers (translators), and they can be typed in any language you want. They can be seen by all your suppliers and anyone able to log on to your system.
- Source language and Target language(s): To select a language, click on the field and type the first letters of the language; the word will be completed automatically.
- Domain(s): field(s) of expertise according to which the documents will be classified (ex. data-processing, health, finances, and so on).
- Tasks: Jobs to be done within the framework of the project (translating, revising, etc.) (see: Creating jobs).
If you are logged in as the administrator, you can customize the list of tasks that appear on the page in Settings - Translation settings - Task Categories.
- Internal comments: The field is only visible to the people involved in the project
- Labels: To understand why you might use this feature (see:What is a label?). Once you have defined the project details, you are ready to proceed to the next.
Step:Uploading project documents.
2. Uploading Project Documents
To upload the documents that need to be translated/revised/proofread, follow these steps:
- Complete all the preceding steps required to create a new project. This tab is disabled until you create the project details (see: Defining project details).
- Click on the Documents Tab.
You can see that some folders have been automatically created depending on the source and target languages defined during the previous step.
- Click on Upload files. The document formats supported by Wordbee are the following:
- Follow the on-screen instructions to upload all your documents to the source folders one by one or in ZIP file form.
Note: If you upload a ZIP file, you must right click on the resulting file and use the Extract here option.
- Click on Set translation status or right click on the chosen document and click on Translate yes/no.
There are three options available:
- Mark for online translation: The document will be translated by using Wordbee Translator interface.
- Mark for offline translation: The document will be downloaded by the supplier and translated with another tool (i.e. not using Wordbee Translator online interface).
- Mark for no translation: The document will only be used as a reference by the supplier.
After having selected Mark for online translation, this window opens:
- Click on Confirm to validate your choice.
- You reach this page:
- You choose which text extraction rules you want to use.
- You can pre-translate the document if you already translated the same document previously or a similar document. To do so, tick the Pre-translate from earlier document version checkbox:
Wordbee pre-translates all the sentences that have been translated in the previous version. The new or modified segments are left empty. It is a highly reliable functionality.
- If you have selected this functionality, here is what you will see in your translation interface:
- The first three segments have been pre-translated: the green arrow means that the previous sentence and the following one are identical in both texts and therefore, the context is the same. The blue arrow means that the sentence has been pre-translated but that the sentence before or the sentence after has changed (either modification of a sentence or new segment
Note: You can use this function for any type of document, including multilingual ones (see Multilingual Excel files).
- Customize the segmentation rules (how you want to split the paragraphs into sentences) by ticking the Customize segmentation rules checkbox:
- Click on Confirm when you have finished preparing the document.
- The green mark and the star confirm that your document is ready to be translated online:
Note: If you right-click on the uploaded document, you have a menu available that allows you to set the following options:
- Translate Yes/No - Mark the document for online, offline, or no translation. Open the wizard to select an option (opens the Select Translation Status page on which you can select the documents status).
- View Segments - Open the Wordbee Translator interface in a new browser window to display the document's segments.
- Download - Download the document to your hard disk.
- Download As Zip - Download the document to your hard disk as a Zip File.
- Open With - Select the application to open the document.
- Add To Zip... - Add this document to a ZIP file.
- Delete - Remove the document. Note: to delete a document, you need to mark the document for not translation first.
2.1 Drag and Drop Files
Instead of using the Upload files long procedure (previous topic), you can also use another alternative, much simpler: the Drag and drop files.
How to use it?
- When you are on the Upload documents tab, you can see the link on the page:
- Click on it to open a new window in which you can drag your files from your PC/ MAC:
Note: The Select button also allows you to upload multiple files, something the classic Upload files does not allow. You cannot yet upload complete folders. However, you can zip the folder you want to upload and drop the zip archive in the window above.
2.2 Translate PDFs with Wordbee
This option may not be available for your subscription. Please contact our sales team at
Step 1:
- You have uploaded a PDF file.
- After having selected this PDF file, click on Convert PDF:
Step 2:
- You will see this window in which you have to confirm your wish to convert the PDF file:
- Click on Convert 1 file now! and close the window. In the Upload documents tab, you will see that Wordbee has converted the PDF file into a Microsoft Word one:
2.3 Translate XML files with HTML Code
Let's say your XML document contains a <block>node with encoded Html that you want to translate with Wordbee.
It is possible! You just have to configure Wordbee in order to tell which content needs to be translated:
- Go to Settings and click on XML files (Translation settings - Document formats). Click on Add new to reach this page:
- Tick the HTML contents option and you can also choose a configuration for the extraction of html text (leave the default one if it is a standard html).
- Now scroll down in this page to specify the translatable xml nodes:
- The rules are so-called XPath expressions :
- //block tells the system that all <block> nodes need to be translated. Since the contents ishtml, the corresponding option has been ticked on the right.
- //block/@title will extract the block entitled <block title="xyz"> for translation. This one is just plain text. Important: Attribute rules like this should be put before the rule for extracting the node contents
Note: Don't forget to use the right extraction rule when you upload your XML document:
2.4 Multilingual Excel Files
In Wordbee, you can upload multilingual Excel files to translate (multiple columns). First of all, you need to go to Settings - Translation settings - Document formats to configure the settings of the Excel document you want to upload if it has not been done yet.
You reach this page and you click on Add new if the format has not been created yet.
- Choose Multilingual and then, define which is to be fine in the different columns. For example, English in column A, French in column B, Comments (if there are some) in column C and D, etc. You can add as many columns and languages as you want (see screenshot below).
Save your new template and you can now create your project and download your Excel document. Just don't forget to choose the right template in the Text extraction rules section:
To see how to upload a document, go to Uploading project documents.
3. Defining Resources
In this stage, you select which linguistic resources are assigned to the project. First, you should understand how these linguistic resources are created and maintained (see: Linguistic resources).
These resources are translation memories, glossaries, terminology databases and any bilingual or multilingual documents which have been translated in the past and can be re-used as linguistic resources.
To add linguistic resources to a new project, follow these steps:
- Complete all preceding steps required to create a new project (see:Standard projects).
- Click on the Resources within the Project Settings Tab.
- Reuse enabled: This feature (top right of the screenshot below) allows you to enable or disable the reuse of the project memory automatically created for each Project. Indeed, Project memories can be used as Translation memories in other projects to help you pre-translate words, segments, etc. If you click on "disable reuse", the project memory becomes "invisible" and it won't be possible to use it in another project. To see how to set "reuse enabled" or "disable reuse" by default, see: Reuse and consolidation of Memories.
- Copy contents to master memory: Click on this feature to store the current project memory in a "master" translation memory containing several translation memories that you may have created for a client for example. This feature is customizable, see Consolidation of Project Memories to Master.
- Click on Add to select the resources you need for your project.
- A new window with all the available resources opens; here you can select the ones that will be used in the project. Wordbee Translator prioritizes the resources in relation with the target and source language, the client, the rating, and the chosen domain(s).
- Tick the checkbox of the resource(s) you want to add to the project.
- Click on Add, Add and close or on Close window when you have made your selection.
- You can click on the arrows in Sort/Remove to modify their order. Remember that the order is important because Wordbee will use the first linguistic resource of the list to do the matching process when you begin your translation.
- To see the details of the resource you have chosen (Name, Type, domains, Languages…), click on Contents.
It opens a new window with four different tabs:
Resource details:
On this page, you have several options:
- If you click on Delete, you have the possibility of deleting permanently the Resource.
- If you click on History, it will show you all the History of the data you imported.
- You can import translation memories (from a TMX, CSV, Excel, Open office or Align Assist file) by clicking on Import and by following the instructions.
- You can export segments (TMX or CSV) by clicking on Export and following the instructions.
Resource usage:
This page shows the clients using this memory in their projects. You can see the usage in the last month, in the past 2 months, etc.
Search settings:
Because the settings are set by defaults, if you really want to change them, you need to:
- Click on Manage default settings, it will bring you to the Translation memory setting page (see: Settings).
- Then, click on Edit at the upper right. You are now able to move the sliders from Lowest to Highest.
View all:
By clicking on this tab, you will reach the list of all the resources available (Translation memories, Project memories, Terminology)
For more details, see: Linguistic resources.
You can now proceed to the following step: Counting words.
4. Counting Words
In Word count, Wordbee Translator establishes a word count and a pre-translation for all the documents that are part of the project.
To do a word count, follow these steps:
- Complete all preceding steps required to create a new project (see: Standard project).
- Click on the Word count tab.
Note: Under the Project details tab, there is a field in which you can choose the word count you want to make if you have selected more than one target language for the project.
- Click on Count Words.
- On the opened page, you configure how words have to be counted and statistics displayed:
- Select the project you wish to configure by clicking on the Word count profile's dropdown menu.
In this case, it will be this project. All parameters previously established in the Settings during your company's initial set-up are displayed here. If you want to change them, click on view details and select the project for which you want to change the settings by clicking on Select.
- Customize columns: this option allows you to define precise repetition intervals in the document.
Note: The chosen intervals should be the same ones as the ones in the price list you are using for the project.
- Set all other parameters as needed. There is a tooltip describing them on the screen.
- Click on OK.
You will see that all have been calculated automatically: the number of Untranslatable words, the Total of words, the total of segments (parts to translate), the total of characters...:
What is the difference between the columns entitled Perfect Pre-translation and the one entitled 100% pre-translation?
It is simple: Perfect pre-translation refers to in-context matches. An in-context match is a segment, which exactly matches a segment already stored in the translation memory, including the context (its preceding and following segment); whereas 100% pre-translation refers to 100% matches, which are segments that perfectly matches segments from the memory regardless of the context.
: To export the word count to Excel.
: To clear counts.
: To edit values. You can, for example, indicate the number of pages contained in the document. It enables page-based cost:
: To view all the values displayed on the page. The two first columns represent the source text. When the translation is finished, click on Calculate now, next to TRANSLATED TEXT in order to see the details of words and characters.
: This icon (screenshot above) enables you to see the Document work progress:
You can proceed with Creating jobs.
5. Creating Jobs
In this stage, you define all the works that need to be done within the project (translations, proofreading, layout, etc.).
In this section, you will find:
- Creating jobs
- Calculate job costs
Note: You cannot allocate a job if the client has not approved the project.
To create a new job, follow these steps:
- Define the project by following the steps stated in Standard projects.
- Click on the Jobs tab.
- Click on New Job.
- You reach the Create a new job(s) page:
- Define the Deadline.
- Choose a Task from the list
- Type in any instructions for the translator(s)/ reviser(s), etc and some internal comments if needed (these are not visible to the translator(s)).
Note: The attachment icon enables to attach some files to the document: it can be screenshots, instructions, reference material or whatever that might be needed. This icon may be used by the project manager, the supplier or simply serve to store documents that are needed by an entire team working on the same project (eg: intermediary or final deliverables...).
By clicking on this icon, it opens a popup window as follow: