Plain Text Files

Plain Text Files

Wordbee Translator supports the following file extensions for Plain Text document formats: .txt, .utxt, .utf8, .text.

To view the default configuration for this file type, go to Settings>Customization>Translation Settings>Document Formats and select Plain text.

If you do not know how to create a file format configuration, please see the following sections: 

Default Plain Text File Format Configuration

Every file format has a default configuration to ensure that a file can be translated; however, it does not handle every complex property that could be thrown your way when translating a source file. The default configuration for Plain Text files does the following: 

  • Auto Detects Character Encoding.

  • Does Not Show Leading/Trailing Whitespaces.

  • Uses SRX Rules for Text Segmentation.

  • Always Splits Text at Line Breaks. 

Custom Plain Text File Format Configurations

If you are translating a Plain Text file, a custom file format configuration might be necessary to achieve the right results in your target file. Outside of the default configuration selections, Wordbee Translator offers many additional choices for configuring:

  • A Specific Character Encoding.

  • Extracting Segments Containing Neither Letters Nor Digits.

  • Showing Leading/Trailing Whitespaces.

  • Excluding Content Based on Defined Regular Expressions.

Plain Text File Format Options

When setting up a file format configuration for Plain Text files, there are many options to choose from to ensure the extraction is successful. The options are described in general below based on individual sections. 

  • Encoding - Auto detect the character coding of a source file or configure a specific type of character encoding.

  • Text extraction rules - Use this option to define regular expressions for capturing texts to be extracted for translation. Regex groups allow refining the content to extract. For example '(.?)' would extract content in between the quotes only. '.?' includes quotes.

  • File sections to exclude from translation -Use this option to define regular expressions for excluding specific content from the source file (such as comments, headers, footers).

  • File sections to include for translation -This section contains options for handling the extraction of symbols and showing or hiding leading/trailing whitespaces to the translator.

  • Text Segmentation - Enable/Disable SRX rules for text segmentation and choose to split or not split text at line breaks.


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