Releases 2022-04
This page shows items released in 2022-04.
Thursday, April 28, 2022 Azure Switzerland
New New API 2 Method to Download All or Selected Files From an Order
This new API method allows admins, managers, or clients to download files in an order (restricted by user's access rights). More information is available at:
API, Project Managers, Clients - WM-11401
Monday, April 18, 2022 Azure Switzerland
New New Supported Languages: Tok Pisin and Kapampangan
Wordbee Translator now supports Tok Pisin (ISO 639-3 "tpi") and Kapampangan (ISO 639-3 "pam").
Learn more about how to enable these languages or any other language in the system:
Tok Pisin is also referred to as "New Guinea Pidgin" and is spoken by 4 million people. Kapampangan is an Austronesian language, and one of the eight major languages of the Philippines as well as being spoken by 2 million people.
Languages, Project Managers - WM-10680
Improved "Add Comment" Field No Longer Default for Excel and Word Exports From Editor
When Excel or Word files are exported from the Editor, the "Add comment" field is no longer included by default. Users will need to enable the add comment field option in the export settings menu.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-11586
Improved Standard Jobs' View/Send Messages Now Resize With Popup Window
[Standard jobs] View/send message area will now resize to fill the available space when the popup window is resized.
Job Management, Project Managers, Clients - WM-10420
Fix Importing Terminology Databases From an Excel Sheet Now Includes Concept-Level Custom Fields and Labels
When importing an Excel sheet into a terminology database within Wordbee, concept-level custom fields and labels are now correctly imported.
Terminology, Translators - WM-11136
Fix Rare Issue With Files Marked for Translation Not Being Able to Be Finalized Has Been Resolved
In very rare cases, marking a file for translation did not properly display the yellow star and flag the file in the system. This then prevented finalizing the translated file. This issue has been resolved.
Wordbee Website, Project Managers - WM-11045
Fix Import of Additional Terms Into Term Extractor Issue Resolved
The Terminology Extraction tool can automatically extract mono- or multilingual terms from project files. Once the raw terms are extracted, the tool can be used to filter the extracted terms which can then be exported via Excel for further processing. Once fully processed you are able to import the terms back into the tool using Excel. During further processing in Excel, if additional rows were added this would prevent the reimportation of the terms because of how Excel counts rows. This issue has now been resolved and additional rows will also be imported into the tool correctly.
Terminology, Project Managers - WM-11336
Fix Users Can Now Assign Multiple Jobs in Standard Projects
Managers and Admins are now able to assign large numbers of jobs in standard projects simultaneously without the system timing out.
Job Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-10960
Fix API v2 Now Displays Correct Filenames and Encoding
Properties from the first item sent via resources/files/list API resulted in incorrect filenames and encoding for any additional item that came after. This issue has been resolved. All items sent via resources/files/list API will contain the correct filename and encoding.
API, Administrators - WM-10413
Fix Double-Clicking Export Button for Terminology/Resource Exports Now Also Leads to Proper Exporting
When exporting Terminology/Resources you can now double click the export button and the system will no longer create invalid files.
Resources, Terminology, Administrators - WM-11456
Monday, April 11, 2022 Azure Switzerland
New API V2: TRM Status API Call Now Includes OrderID Parameter
The TRM Status API call for submitted orders includes the "OrderID" parameter within the "orderSummary" object.
API, Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients, Administrators - WM-11089
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Azure Switzerland
Fix Order Submission for Client Now Loads Corresponding Order Template
When submitting an order on behalf of a client, there was an issue loading the correct order template when it included only one option (type of work). This issue has now been resolved. The corresponding order template now loads when the client is selected.
Client Orders, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-11612
Fix New Option to Import/Export List of Regular Expression to File Parsers
In file parsers that allow for the inclusion or exclusion of content for translation through the use of regular expressions, you now have the option to import a list of up to 50 regular expressions. Importing is done using an Excel file with all expressions in column A, while the export will contain the list of used expressions in column A as well as the parser name in column B. The export may be used for reimport into other parsers within Wordbee or other 3rd-party databases for regular expressions.
File Formats, Parsers, Project Managers - WM-11014
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