Releases 2016-11

Releases 2016-11

This page shows items released in 2016-11.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

NEW Can be filter invoices by project custom fields

In the invoices & quotes view, the user can be search by project custom fields.

Management, Translators, Project Managers - WM-77

NEW New language added - Kurdish (Iraq)

Wordbee now supports Kurdish (Iraq). The code for this new language is ku-IQ.

Core, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-92

NEW New Filters on invoice production page

see comments ...

Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-78

IMPROVED Accept untrusted SSL certificates in Beebox server for live preview from Wordbee Translator

When the Beebox server is used via SSL and its certificate is untrusted (self-signed) then preview operations from Wordbee Translator fail. With this improvement, untrusted SSL certificates are now accepted from Beebox server. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend installing a trusted certificate.

Beebox - WM-115

IMPROVED Business Reports: New report template fields added

The reports 100, 101, 102, 103 (invoicing) and 300 (orders) now feature additional fields, including the client code, the accounting code, the debtor number and the country. Moreover, additional supplier fields have been added to a subset of the above where needed.

Reports, Project Managers - WM-109

FIX Improved handing of large Excel files (1000+ segments)

Due to a technical error, the editor crashed when users were importing files with more than 1000 segments. This has been fixed and the editor now handles large excel files successfully. Therefore, when importing excel files with more than 1000 segment into the system, it will split the query.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-114

FIX Fixed error when setting Excel template in custom report creation screen

When creating a new custom report, the initial dialog was letting the user to immediately set the Excel template. That would fail. To avoid this problem, the user had first to add a custom report without setting the template and then edit the report and upload template in a second step. This problem has now been fixed.

Project Managers - WM-111

FIX Fix regarding the New supplier price list

During the creation of a new price list for a new supplier, the system pre-filled "Discount on pre-translations" with values coming from my company. This has been fixed.

Project Managers, Administrators - WM-96

FIX Problem in New order form step2 : cost not calculated when price was set to "any language"

Cost was not calculated if the price in the price-list was set to "any language". This has been fixed.

Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-93

FIX Modification of the Translation Domains (settings) are now directly visible in the new order configuration

In the settings menu, when Translation Domains were updated (add, remove or rename domains), the modifications were not displayed in the New Order configuration page. This has been now corrected.

Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-91

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

NEW Discounts are enabled/disabled individually per service in a price list

It is now possible to specify if discounts for pre-translations, repetitions or fuzzy matches are applied individually per client or per supplier's price. You can select any price list and edit any of the services. You will find new discount options too.
This new and much requested feature can enable discounts for revision work, disable discounts for some translation services and set discounts for your own work types.

Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-80

IMPROVED Improved display of cost details in Codyt Supplier Invoices

This enhancement improves the presentation of supplier invoice details in Codyt projects. When creating an invoice, the system proposes a "verbous" mode to print discount information. The change affects how these details are printed in the invoice and now each discount information is shown as a separate invoice line. Previously, all the details were merged into a single invoice line which was much less readable.

Management, Project Managers - WM-85

IMPROVED Enhanced editing of price list services and last change tracking

Adding and editing price list services becomes faster and more user friendly. Managers will appreciate that relevant screens now display logs of who and when last edited each price/service.

Management, Project Managers - WM-79

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

NEW Price list services can now be disabled

Each service in a supplier or client price list can now be disabled. Disabled services are hidden when calculating costs of orders, jobs and when preparing invoices. Services can be re-enabled at any time. Client prices are managed within the "My Company" page. Supplier prices are managed from the respective supplier page.

Project Managers - WM-75

NEW Define non-translation sections

This development gives project managers the opportunity to define specific sections that need to be untranslatable and remain in their original form with the use of a specific HTML Tag.

Management, Project Managers, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-32

NEW Excel segment limits assignment

Allows clients to configure length limit that will be read from the columns in the excel documents.

Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-15

NEW Excel segment limits assignment

Excel parser now allows client to define minimum / maximum length for the content of the different columns and assign segment limits.

Management, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-13

IMPROVED Prevent job assignment to disabled Vendors

This update will give increased administration control over vendors, project allocation and statistics. Disabled vendors will remain in the database as contacts but will be temporarily denied access to the system and will not be assigned new jobs. Disabled vendors’ past data remain in the database as well, for statistical purposes.

Project Managers - WM-56

IMPROVED New languages: Lithuanian (LT) and Georgian (GE) added.

Wordbee Translator supports more language codes. The latest codes added to the system are:

en-LT : English (Lithuania)
en-GE : English (Georgia)

Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers, Beebox, Leads - WM-26

IMPROVED MT Hive markup corrector improvement

MT Hive features an improved mark-up corrector. The results are even better when generating translated documents because mistakes coming from the selected machine translation system or mark-up differences from your translation memories are corrected.

Management, Project Managers, Beebox - WM-22

IMPROVED Up to 200 items per page is now possible.

Users are able to select and view up to 200 items per page.

Translators, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-4

FIX Improved adjustment of placeables in translation

Handling multiple numbers appearing in a text has been improved and now works accurately.

Editor, Translators, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-27

FIX Word counter fix

A fix regarding the word count in Codyt projects. Word count shown in work progress at jobs page is now synchronized with word count at the 'count and cost page'.

Management, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-8





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