Releases 2016-12
This page shows items released in 2016-12.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
NEW Business Report S103 - Project profit and loss: New filter options
When creating the profit and loss report no S103, you can now choose by which date the projects shall be selected: Date of creation, date of reception, start date or completion date.
Project Managers - WM-202
NEW New business report - Print profit and loss grouped by document, task and languages
This new report "S105" combines, per filtered project, client and supplier cost details from the respective invoices and aligns supplier and client amounts by document, task and language combination. Therefore, it displays benefits individually per document translated.
Reports, Project Managers - WM-176
NEW Order Id field (manual & autoassigned) added to Orders
Today clients have a field where they can fill in their own order reference (“Order reference”). This new feature adds a new field "Order Id" which is either auto-assigned or supplied by the project manager.
Management, Project Managers - WM-95
NEW Supplier Groups Management page: New link added to send an email message to all group members
Supplier groups are created under Suppliers > Supplier Groups.
Wordbee now allows to assign a job to all group members qualified for the job task and languages. In this page a new link is added to send out an email to all members of the group. This is useful if you want to provide an entire group with important information.
Management, Project Managers - WM-179
FIX Fix regarding Quick view totals exporting suppliers' name
When exporting "Quick view totals", the suppliers' names were encoded.
This correction now exports the value decoded.
Project Managers - WM-210
FIX Special characters bad formated in domain list
In the project details, the special characters in domain list were encoded : "Domaine & domain".
The correction permits to show the good value : "Domaine & domain"
Project Managers - WM-209
FIX Word count "No match" column may show a negative value -1 in rare case.
When creating a job that is restricted to 1 or 2 paragraphs of a larger document, it may appear that the word count "No match" column shows the negative value "-1". This has now been corrected and it was due to a rounding error.
WordCount, Project Managers - WM-208
FIX Fixed problem with customized invoice templates localized for "uncommon" languages
When creating a template specific for an uncommon language ex. "Abkhazian" the invoice creation (Excel or PDF) failed. This problem has now been fixed. Typically, you create templates for a language if the invoice's content is localized for that language: From header, titles and so on. The actual source/target languages of projects or jobs is not relevant.
Invoicing, Project Managers - WM-206
FIX Fix of "First row" option in CSV using a multilingual filter
The option "First row" did not work when configuring multilingual CSV files. This has now been fixed.
File Formats, Project Managers - WM-204
FIX Fix of API call projects/{project id)/tasks: Paging not working
The &from parameter in the API call was not working correctly. It has now been fixed.
API, Administrators - WM-203
FIX Csv export configuration, contain column configuration in double
Export of csv configuration contains double columns configuration, causing display problem when uploading to create a new configuration.
This has now been corrected.
Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-186
FIX Correction regarding Powerpoint slide numbering
Slide numbering was falsely starting at 0. This has been corrected and now starts at 1.
Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-183
FIX Change regarding AggPeriod (aggregation period) placeholder format in the invoice template.
AggPeriodFrom and AggPeriodTo placeholders were inserted as a text in the invoice template and did not use the excel cell date format.
This has now been corrected; those data will be insert as dates and will now use the format defined in the Excel cell
Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-181
FIX Data-import allows language code * for "any language"
In data import, it is now allowed to use the value " * " for language code in the Price List in order to define a price for "any language"
Administrators - WM-178
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
NEW New column (manager's name) added in exporting Projects
It's now possible to include the project manager's name in a separate column when exporting Projects.
Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-175
FIX Business report S410: Fixed Codyt job status column which did not show the correct job status
The job status column did not show the correct job's status. This has been fixed.
Reports, Project Managers - WM-177
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
NEW Manage users / companies from ADFS or other SAML provider
During authentication from external SAML provider, Wordbee can create and/or update users and companies with values coming from SAML claims.
From Wordbee side, we can configure multiple fields linked to SAML claims like :
User : email, first name, last name, profile, enabled, locale, custom fields.
Company : name, profile, timezone, custom fields.
Multiple scenarios are available like :
- Check user only
- Check user but not exist => create it with values from SAML claims to a client or supplier defined
- Check user but not exist => create it with values from SAML claims to a client or supplier specified in claims
- Check user but only if exist => update values from SAML claims.
Note: This configuration can accept regular expressions to define value from claims.
Core, Administrators - WM-89
NEW Beebox Admin UI - When login fails due to busy server, system displays which project is being processed.
When Beebox automatic operations are running in the background, users cannot login to the Beebox administrative web site, getting a "Busy server" message.
The login screen will now show full details of which Beebox project is processed as well as what operation is carried out. This information is exclusively shown when the user is logged-in with Administrator credentials.
Beebox - WM-172
NEW Additional placeholders for character-based counts.
Wordbee displays word count in both words and characters. We have added new placeholders to display Pretranslation count in characters: 100% Pretranslations, 110% Pretranslations, MT, etc.
These placeholders are specifically useful with Asian languages where counting is usually based on characters instead of words.
Project Managers - WM-171
NEW XLIFF file filter now reads character length constraints from the "maxlength" XLIFF attributes
XLIFF files can specify the maximum and minimum character length of a translation using the "maxlength" and "size-unit" attributes. These constraints are now acknowledged in both the translation editor and the QA module.
Please note that this feature must be enabled in the XLIFF filter configuration in the QA section.
File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-162
NEW Include Custom Fields in Tooltip for Person
Now the tool-tip displayed when clicking on a Person shows the custom fields associated with that person.
Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-153
NEW XLIFF File Filter - New option to save translation editor comments back to translated XLIFF
When translating XLIFF files you can have comments from the XLIFF file shown in the translation editor. We now added the possibility to have the comments from the translation editor saved back into the translated XLIFF file.
This new option is not enabled by default. To activate it, please go to "Settings" > "XLIFF".
File Formats, Translators, Project Managers - WM-147
IMPROVED Improved Supplier Data Import
The supplier data import now allows Administrators to import minimum fees, custom fields and supplier group memberships in addition to the regular supplier data.
Administrators - WM-108
FIX Excel/Word export button now visible in Standard project at Documents tab.
When editor was accessed in a standard project from Documents tab, the excel/word export button was not visible. Once in the document,when the language couple was changed, then the button appeared.
This has been fixed; the button now appears directly when the editor is opened.
Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-164
FIX Word/Excel exporting fix from the Documents list view.
When the editor was opened from Documents tab, it was possible to export all the document from the project but not just one opened document.
This has now been fixed and the export feature can now send out only the chosen document.
Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-163
FIX Fix Indesign Parser : new option "don't show text containing neither letter or digit" will mask leading and trailing character that are neither letter nor digit.
Fixed Indesign parser not showing leading and trailing characters that are not letter or digit, when the option "don't show text containing neither letter or digit" is activated.
Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers, Beebox - WM-174
FIX API with custom date and time filters: Time filters did not extend to millisecond ranges.
When filtering projects, orders or other elements by date and time, you can use filters such as: CreationDate>DateTime (2016,11,30,14,31,29). In this example, the filter applies to a date (2016, 11, 30) and time filters seconds (29) but not milliseconds.
Now, time-filters extend to milliseconds and you can pass 7 parameters.
API, Administrators - WM-170
FIX Beebox Issue fixed : Target files stuck on "Translated"
When you modified the source file but not the text in the Beebox, the target file was stuck on "Translated" and never switched to "Ready" status.
This has now been fixed.
Beebox - WM-169
FIX Json finalization crash fix when translation contained special characters (& < >)
Finalisation and preview of document crashed when the translation contain special characters "&" "<" or ">".
This has now been fixed.
Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-168
FIX Fixed issue when creating Codyt supplier invoice in verbuous mode when supplier price list defines a minimum fee
The Verbuous invoice mode shows each cost details line separately in the invoice. This failed when a minimum fee was defined in the supplier price list and the total cost was below the minimum. This has now been fixed.
Project Managers - WM-165
Thursday, December 1, 2016
NEW Update API for Person to Include CustomFields
GlobalizationCulture, GlobalizationUICulture and all Custom fields in APIPersons view have now been added.
Please update Main.dbl to include the updated view
API, Administrators - WM-151
NEW Custom Fields for Person object
Wordbee has been extended to allow the use of custom fields for personal details throughout the application.
Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-149
NEW New placeholders added for project reference in the order configuration
The project creation in the new order configuration accepts new placeholders like allocated automatically reference for project.
The new placeholders are:
* {globalid}: an incremental number starting with 1, independent of the year
* {year}: is replaced by the current year
* {year2}: is replaced by the current year (two digits)
* {yearid}: an incremental number starting with 1 at the beginning of each year
* {month}: is replaced by the current month
* {day} : is replaced by the current day
Project Managers, Administrators - WM-143
NEW New powerful filter options when creating business reports
The business reports "Client and supplier costs - Details (S100)", "Client Orders (S300)" and "Jobs - Counts & Costs (S410)" are now getting new date filtering options and you can choose the exact date to be filtered. For example, you can sort and report on orders by completion date versus creation date.
Reports, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-139
IMPROVED Business Report S410 (Jobs Counts & Cost) can now include custom fields
You can now add any of your project and job custom fields as columns in the "Jobs Counts & Cost" business report (S410). You simply need to amend the Excel report template and add your fields. Find more information at the online documentation under "business report customization".
Reports, Project Managers - WM-152
IMPROVED WebHook languages placeholder are now using the language code
WebHook placeholder for languages (JobSourceLanguage and JobTargetLanguage) have now been replaced by the language code.
Administrators - WM-142
FIX Additional parameters have been added to invoice creation
Invoice creation process can now recognize the end client.
Project Managers - WM-154
FIX Excel export feature to standard jobs editor
The new excel export feature has been added to the standard job editor.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-148
FIX Fix : delete leading space before quoteNo placeholder in the invoice
During invoice creation, the additional space in the QuoteNo placeholder that caused alignment problems in the invoices generated will be deleted.
Project Managers, Administrators - WM-144
FIX Fix regarding the invoices at the job detail page.
A minor problem has been fixed regarding the invoices at the job detail page. When an internal user had a client restriction, using the client access feature, the invoice could not be found in the job detail page, and the button to see the invoice lead to a crashing page. This has now been fixed.
Translators, Project Managers, Administrators, Freelancers - WM-141
FIX Saving segments before preview document
When users downloaded the document preview without its segments saved, they were receiving the message "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved".
This has now been fixed and when users click on "download preview" segments are saved before generating the document.
Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-140
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