Releases 2023-03
This page shows items released in 2023-03.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 - Version Azure Switzerland
Fix Custom Fields of Auto-Completion Type Did Not Work Properly When Used on the Order Form
We have fixed an issue with autocomplete custom fields when used on the order form. These types of fields were recently introduced and allow thousands of options to be suggested in one field.
Custom Fields, Clients - WM-14380
Monday, March 13, 2023 - Version Azure Switzerland
New MT Hive Now Available in Italian
MT Hive's user interface can now be set to Italian.
MT Hive, Translators, Project Managers - WM-14250
Improved Improvements to Exporting Text Constraints
The maximum text length constraints set within Wordbee are now exported in a way that is compatible for use in other tools using the XLIFF 1.2 standard.
XLIFF filter, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-13723
Improved Improvement Report S503 creation with large number of data points.
When creating Report S503 with a significant number of supplier services, the system can now handle more than the previous limit of 2,100 items.
Reports, Project Managers - WM-13656
Improved API 2 to Create or Update Persons Now Allows the Use of a Custom Field as Unique Identifier
When updating persons, you can use any of the following fields as unique identifiers: The internal Wordbee ID, the email, or the login. We have now introduced a fourth option: Any of the person custom fields. For more information about the "cfid" field, please visit:
API, Administrators - WM-14310
Improved Enhancement to Microsoft Word Parser
We have improved the Microsoft Word parser. Going forward, tables in Microsoft Word are mirrored automatically during file finalization if the scripts for source and target languages have different text directions (RTL<->LTR).
Editor, File Formats, Project Managers - WM-13781
Improved Improvements to Connected Users Information in the Settings’ Activities Tab
The connected user's page now displays information that is updated more frequently, ensuring the most accurate count of active users, including their user type.
Administration, Subscriptions, Project Managers - WM-13870
Improved Improvements to Importing Logins via Excel
We have increased the number of logins that can be imported at the same time. You can now import up to 5000 logins using the template provided.
For more information about importing logins please visit:
Login Management, Administrators - WM-11241
Fix Firefox Line Break in Segment Issue Resolved
When using the Editor in Firefox, a hidden character is sometimes added. We have improved the system to recognize and remove this hidden character.
Editor, Translators - WM-12540
Fix Project Status History Display Issue Resolved
The system properly saves each status transition to the database and now also correctly displays this information in the user interface.
Project Management, Project Managers - WM-14333
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