CoDyt project and automatic kick off of the tasks

CoDyt project and automatic kick off of the tasks


In a CoDyt project, when the translation is finished, is the work sent automatically to the revisers/ proofreaders or does the project manager has to assign work after every task completed?


When the translation is finished, the system automatically activates the next workflow step and sends the work to the revisers/proofreaders (the project manager does not even have to know that the translation is finished). When the whole process is completed, the system can automatically generate the final translated file(s) and deliver them in the Client Portal or push them to the content source (CMS, FTP, etc.). Alternatively, the project manager can manually check, approve the work and finalize the translations to deliver them offline. Wordbee allows you to configure the level of automation that is the most adapted to you.

Learn more

What is a CoDyt Project?

Workflow Templates

Workflow template Automation Options

Client Portal


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