

Gets a business analytical view on edits of a document for a specific target language.

Provides details on:

  • Who edited how many text
  • Time spent with translations and edits
  • Quality metrics


(POST) /resources/statistics/ba


The message body contains a JSON object:


The scope object. Note that if you use a document set or global search scope, you will receive an "available" = false result. In fact these scopes do not support files.

didThe document id. This must be a document within the scope.
localeThe language to get statistics for.



The message body contains a JSON object:


An object with various segment counts:

  • total: Total
  • error: With error status
  • ok: With OK status
  • missing: Without translation
  • filled: With translation

An object with various word counts:

  • total: Total
  • error: With error status
  • ok: With OK status
  • missing: Without translation
  • filled: With translation
dtfirstFirst edit date in document. Null if none.
dtfirsttFirst edit date as a string.
dtlastLast edit date in document. Null if none.
dtlasttLast edit date as a string.

An array of document level scores. See table below.

Provides statistics per "last editor" (human edit, pre-translation, MT, etc.).

See table below.


Provides statistics per worker who edited at least one segment.

See table below.


Editors node

The editors element is an array of objects with these properties.

Note that the last array element contains the grand totals.


An internal code for the type of editor.

titleTitle of editor.

An object with various segment counts:

  • initial: Total that had this editor initially (when marking a document for translation)
  • current: Total that have this editor now.
  • unchanged: Total that had this editor and still have now.
  • translation: Total translated.
  • postEditing: Total post edited.
  • revision: Total revised

An object with various word counts:

  • initial: Total that had this editor initially (when marking a document for translation)
  • current: Total that have this editor now.
  • unchanged: Total that had this editor and still have now.
  • translation: Total translated.
  • postEditing: Total post edited.
  • revision: Total revised
actionsTotal of interventions
actionsCorrectionsTotal of interventions correcting a previous text
scoresAn array of document level scores. See table below.


Workers node

The workers element is an array of objects with these properties.

Note that the last array element contains the grand totals.


Person ID. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.

cidCompany ID. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
pnamePerson name. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
pcodePerson code. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
cnameCompany name. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.

An object with various segment counts:

  • total: Total texts edited by this person
  • corrected: Total texts edited by this person and which were subsequently corrected/edited by someone else. 
  • translation: Total texts translated by user from scratch.
  • postEditing: Total texts post-edited by user (from a memory or MT pre-translation).
  • revision: Total texts revised by user (i.e. user edited a human translation/edit done by someone else)

An object with various word counts:

  • total: Total texts edited by this person
  • corrected: Total texts edited by this person and which were subsequently corrected/edited by someone else. 
  • translation: Total texts translated by user from scratch.
  • postEditing: Total texts post-edited by user (from a memory or MT pre-translation).
  • revision: Total texts revised by user (i.e. user edited a human translation/edit done by someone else)
dtfirstFirst edit date in document.
dtfirsttFirst edit date as a string.
dtlastLast edit date in document.
dtlasttLast edit date as a string.
scoresAn array of document level scores. See table below.


Scores node

Each scores element contains an array of objects with these properties:


Print title for score.

valueDecimal value of score. Can be null if score could not be calculated (lack of data)
unitNull or the unit of the score. For example "%" with percentages.
descA description of the score and its purpose. Note that this text adapts to the actual score value.
maxThe maximum value the score can have.



Note that the logged user must have access to BA data.

See the resource rights, property canViewBA which must be true.



See this example:

  "segments": {
    "error": 0,
    "ok": 0,
    "missing": 0,
    "filled": 4,
    "total": 4
  "words": {
    "error": 0,
    "ok": 0,
    "missing": 0,
    "filled": 8,
    "total": 8
  "dtfirst": "2017-02-06T07:09:09.8944871Z",
  "dtlast": "2017-02-06T07:09:22.4785955Z",
  "dtfirstt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
  "dtlastt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
  "editors": [
      "editor": "None",
      "title": "Not translated",
      "segments": {
        "initial": 4,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 4,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "words": {
        "initial": 8,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 8,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "Actions": 4,
      "ActionsCorrections": 0,
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": 10.0,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
      "editor": "RefMaterialIdentical",
      "title": "Pre-translation Exact",
      "segments": {
        "initial": 0,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 0,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "words": {
        "initial": 0,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 0,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "Actions": 0,
      "ActionsCorrections": 0,
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": null,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
      "editor": "RefMaterialFuzzy",
      "title": "Pre-translation Fuzzy",
      "segments": {
        "initial": 0,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 0,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "words": {
        "initial": 0,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 0,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 0
      "actions": 0,
      "actionsCorrections": 0,
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": null,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
      "editor": null,
      "title": "TOTAL",
      "segments": {
        "initial": 4,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 4,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 4
      "words": {
        "initial": 8,
        "unchanged": 0,
        "translation": 8,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "current": 8
      "actions": 4,
      "actionsCorrections": 0,
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": 10.0,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
  "workers": [
      "pid": 7,
      "cid": 1,
      "pname": "Stephan Bohmig",
      "pcode": "SB",
      "cname": "Pons",
      "segments": {
        "total": 4,
        "translation": 4,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "corrected": 0
      "words": {
        "total": 8,
        "translation": 8,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "corrected": 0
      "dtfirst": "2017-02-06T07:09:09.8944871Z",
      "dtlast": "2017-02-06T07:09:22.4785955Z",
      "dtfirstt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
      "dtlastt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": 10.0,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
      "pid": 0,
      "cid": 0,
      "pname": "TOTAL",
      "pcode": "TOTAL",
      "cname": null,
      "segments": {
        "total": 4,
        "translation": 4,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "corrected": 0
      "words": {
        "total": 8,
        "translation": 8,
        "postEditing": 0,
        "revision": 0,
        "corrected": 0
      "dtfirst": "2017-02-06T07:09:09.8944871Z",
      "dtlast": "2017-02-06T07:09:22.4785955Z",
      "dtfirstt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
      "dtlastt": "06/02/2017 08:09 UTC+1",
      "scores": [
          "title": "Work quality",
          "value": 10.0,
          "unit": null,
          "desc": null,
          "max": 10.0
  "scores": [
      "title": "Completed",
      "value": 100.0,
      "unit": "%",
      "desc": "Percentage translations supplied and not marked errorneous.",
      "max": 0.0
      "title": "Human translation quality",
      "value": 10.0,
      "unit": null,
      "desc": "0 out of 4 human translated or post-edited segments required correction.",
      "max": 10.0
      "title": "Pre-translated",
      "value": null,
      "unit": "%",
      "desc": "No segments are pre-translated by machine or from memories to calculate score.",
      "max": 0.0
      "title": "Pre-translation quality",
      "value": null,
      "unit": null,
      "desc": "No segments are pre-translated by machine or from memories to calculate score.",
      "max": 10.0
      "title": "Overall Efficiency",
      "value": 5.0,
      "unit": null,
      "desc": "4 segments required a total of 4 human interventions.",
      "max": 10.0

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Copyright Wordbee - Buzzin' Outside the Box since 2008