Upload document(s)

Upload document(s)

Wordbee Translator supports various formats for uploading documents. For a full list, see Supported Document Formats. Once the project has been created, you will be able to upload documents for each target language along with any reference materials. 

The following actions are possible when uploading your documents: 

Upload documents

Go to the Documents tab of the Project. 

On the left, you can see that some folders have automatically been created according to the source and target language(s) selected during project creation.

Wordbee Translator can automatically recognize and fix common filename issues, such as invalid character encodings.

If, however, the system is not able to recognize the issue, the upload will fail and an error message will be displayed. Try to change the name of the file and upload it again.

To upload documents, you must first select the appropriate language in the folder view and then click on Upload files or use Drag & Drop.

If you choose to Upload Files, click on Add to select your documents, either one by one or in zip files.

Then finish the upload by clicking on Upload in the pop-up window.


Click on Close to finish the upload and close the pop-up window. You may also click on New Upload to upload another document for the selected source or target language. 


Mark documents for Translation

You now need to set the translation status of your document(s). Select the document(s) or simply right click on it in the Documents Tab. Then click on Translate Yes/No and choose an option from the submenu by clicking on it.

  • Mark for online translation - The document will be translated using Wordbee Translator Web interface.

  • Mark for offline translation - The document will be downloaded by the supplier and translated with another tool (i.e. not using Wordbee Translator online web interface).

  • Mark for no translation - The document will only be used as a reference by the supplier.

A popover window will appear. The option selected from the menu on the Documents Tab will be automatically populated and must be validated. If needed, the Translate Document option can be changed here as well. Once finished, click on Confirm to advance to the next step.

You have three options:

  • Yes, online: The document will be translated using Wordbee Translator Web interface.

  • Yes, offline: The document will be downloaded by the supplier and translated with another tool (i.e. not using Wordbee Translator online web interface).

  • No: The document will only be used as a reference by the supplier.

Next, choose the extraction rules you want to apply to your document(s). Extraction rules pertain to how the text will be extracted for pre-translation and translation within the system.

A default profile is configured for each file format; however, you may also make your own custom configuration. More information can be found by viewing Document Formats in the Administration Section.

Tick the Pre-translate from earlier document version checkbox if you have already translated a similar document and then choose one from the provided drop-down menu . Wordbee will pre-translate your document from the previous version, so that you do not have to translate your document all over again. Only the new or modified segments are left empty. It is a highly reliable functionality. 

Tick the Customise segmentation rules checkbox to make changes to the current segmentation rules (how you want to split the paragraphs into segments). This option can be used to configure both language independent and language specific rules.

Then click on Confirm to validate your choices. After these steps have been completed you will see additional information next to the document on the Documents Tab. The green mark and the star indicate that your document is ready to be translated online.

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