API - IT - Download Translation

You can download the translated file for a request ID once the machine translation is done.

To check the translation status call the api/requests method with the list of all request IDs you are waiting for (url parameter ids).


(GET) /api/it/requests/file?token=&id=&compress=deflate



Parameters are:


The session token obtained when connecting.


The ID of the translation request.

compressOptional. The compression library to use to compress the streamed file. GZip or Deflate (default)


The method returns the file as a Deflate/GZIP compressed binary stream (see Wikipedia). 

If you are using C#, use the DeflateStream class to decompress the web response stream. See sample code.

An HTTP status of 200 indicates success. Other HTTP status values indicate an error. You may get errors if:

  • The translation is not yet available. Download files only if the ready property of the request is true.
  • The translation was deleted by the user or a platform administrator



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