API - Connect

API - Connect

You start by connecting with valid Wordbee Translator user credentials which are the same that you use when connecting to Wordbee Translator online. Upon connection you obtain a session token. This token is included with all subsequent calls.


(GET) http://{server:port}/api/connect?account=&login=&pwd=&domain=&ui=


The url parameters are:


Mandatory. The Account ID. This is the same value as entered when logging in online.


Mandatory. The User Login. This is the same value as entered when logging in online.


Mandatory. The User Password. This is the same value as entered when logging in online.


Mandatory. Specifies the Wordbee Translator functionality you want to work with. These value are supported:



Optional. The user interface language. Default value is "en" if not specified. Permitted values are:

  • en (English)
  • fr (French)
  • de (German)
  • es (Spanish)
  • ja (Japanese)
  • nl (Dutch)

The API will localize certain strings like language names accordingly in results.

NOTE: The list above may change. Navigate to www.wordbee-translator.com to see all currently available language options in the top navigation bar.



The API returns a JSON object which includes the session token for all subsequent API calls.

It is important to systematically verify the HTTP status code. If authentication succeeds, the method returns HTTP code 200 (success). All other HTTP codes point to an error.


tokenThe session token which you must include with all subsequent API calls.
platformThe owner of the Wordbee Translator instance.
companyThe company name of the connected user.
userThe name of the connected user.
uiThe user interface language. If the language specified during connection is invalid, this defaults back to "en".



  "token": "14c78440-7d7a-4504-9f46-4fa322fecdb5",

  "platform": "Alpha Ltd.",
  "company": "John Howard Translations",
  "user": "John Howard",
  "ui": "en"



If the HTTP status code is different from 200, the connect method failed. What exactly went wrong is detailed with the HTTP error result.

Make sure to read this section: Error Handling.



Always invalidate your token when you no longer need it. Failing to do so may put on hold automatic operations.

See API - Disconnect



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