Installation Steps
We will do Xcopy installation for the GUI extension. Here are the steps:
Please copy WordbeeTranslationManager.XML from ‘{Deployment packet root}\Wordbee Translation Manager\Models\WTM\Configuration\’ to ‘{Tridion Home}\config\’ folder.
Please copy Resource files from ‘{Deployment packet root}\Wordbee Translation Manager\App_GlobalResources\’ to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\WebRoot\App_GlobalResources\’ folder.
Copy binaries from ‘{Deployment packet root}\Wordbee Translation Manager\bin’ folder to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\Webroot\bin’
Copy WTM folder from ‘{Deployment packet root}\Wordbee Translation Manager\Models\’ to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\Models\’ folder.
Copy WTM folder from ‘{Deployment packet root}\Wordbee Translation Manager\Editors\’ folder to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\Editors\’
Go to IIS and browse Tridion website. Under website, create virtual folders for the followings:
{Tridion Website}\Web\WebUI\Models\WTM
{Tridion Website}\Web\WebUI\Editors\WTM
In order to complete the installation, please make the following configurations changes:
Go to ‘{Tridion Home}\config\WordbeeTranslationManager.XML’ and configure SQL Server name, login username, and password. Here is a sample entry:
<Database type="SQL" server="server" database="Wordbee_TranslationManager" username="user" password="password"/>
Go to ‘{Tridion Home}\config\WordbeeTranslationManager.XML’ and configure key ‘ServiceTcmUserName’ with designated SDL Tridion Account for the windows service.
Go to ‘{Tridion Home}\config\WordbeeTranslationManager.XML’ and configure key ‘LogFolder’ with log folder path of installed SDL Tridion instance.
Go to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\Webroot\Configuration\System.config’ and please add following configuration fragment inside the "Configuration/Models" element of SystemConfigurations.XML. Please ensure to update install path (highlighted in yellow), if it’s different from the fragment below.
<model name="Wordbee.TranslationManager.UI.Model" xmlns="">
<installpath xmlns="">C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\web\WebUI\Models\WTM\</installpath>
<configuration xmlns="">Configuration\WTMModel.config</configuration>
<vdir xmlns="">WTM</vdir>
Go to ‘{Tridion Home}\Web\WebUI\Webroot\Configuration\System.config and please add following configuration fragment inside the "Configuration/Editors" element of SystemConfigurations.XML. Please ensure to update install path (highlighted in yellow), if it’s different from the fragment below.
<editor name="Wordbee.TranslationManager.UI.Editor">
<installpath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\web\WebUI\Editors\WTM\</installpath>
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