Scheduler configuration

Scheduler configuration

Instead of retrieving the status of jobs manually, you can configured the connector to automatically retrieve the status of the job as a background operation.

For this, you only need to configure a System Task using an Administrator account.

INFO Please note the package should automatically create the task and its command. This guide is useful if the task has been removed or is missing from your custom package.

1. Create the command

  1.  Go to /System/Tasks/Commands and check if the command does not exist yet. It should be named Beebox Check Translation Status.

  2. If the command does not exist, insert a new Command as following:

    Type: Beebox.Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CheckStatusCommand,Beebox.Sitecore
    Method: Run


2. Create the Scheduler

  1. Go to /System/Tasks/Schedules and check if the schedule does not exist yet. It should be named Beebox Check Translation Status Schedule.

  2. If the schedule does not exist, insert a new Schedule as following:

    Command: Commands/Beebox Check Translation Status
    Schedule: 20000101|21000101|127|00:30:00
    (You can customize the schedule settings. Read this article to get more information about the schedule configuration)
    Last run: Now
    Async: Yes

    You're all good!

SiteCore is now configured to sync the job status automatically every 30 minutes.

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