

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot installations of Beebox-Sitecore Connector. During installation, you may encounter a few issues based on the configuration of your Beebox and Sitecore Server.

Ports and Firewalls

Please ensure the relevant ports and firewalls are properly configured as described in Beebox Installation Guide. You will need to have proper inbound and outbound rules configured for both Beebox and Sitecore Servers.

The Beebox Installation Guide lists all the required configurations in detail.

You can download the Beebox installation Guide here

Content Selector empty

If after pushing an item to the content selector, the page stays empty and all the filters are empty as well, it might mean that you forgot to configure the Beebox Field Translation Setting either on the Template or Template Field templates. Please take a look at the installation steps to make sure everything is properly configured.

Sitecore Logs and IIS Logs

The Beebox-Sitecore Connector emits logs about errors in Sitecore logs. In case, you find something inconsistent, you may find it helpful to look into Sitecore logs.

Additionally, you may also look into IIS logs to understand if the requests are being sent and received successfully.

Logs are located at installation dir, (default C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Project name) \Data\logs.txt

Some fatal errors from Sitecore will prevent the installation of the plugin. For example Exception: Sitecore.Analytics.DataAccess.DatabaseNotAvailableException (means to install mongo or disable Analytics)

Sitecore Logs - System.DateTimeParse.Parse error

If your system uses a different Date format than the English dates, you might see errors when loading Beebox-related pages in Sitecore and also see the following error message in your Sitecore logs:

  • Exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

To fix this issue, you need to change your system culture, or at least change the SiteCore default culture to use the en-US culture. Please be aware that changing this setting might have consequences on other components/plugins used by your Sitecore installation.

To do so, please add/change the following setting in your Sitecore config:

<setting name="DefaultRegionalIsoCode" value="en-US"/>

Items in the Job Manager grayed with message "You do not have sufficient permission to write xxx in XX language"

  • Check you have the proper rights to create a new version of the item in the specified language.
  • Check the source item hasn't been removed or moved.

Wordbee Support

If you decide to take support from Wordbee, it is advised to keep the Sitecore, IIS logs as well as any screenshot that may help Wordbee solve the issue.

The Wordbee support can be reached at support@wordbee.com.

Next step-: Translating content

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