Retrieves traces for a complete job workflow. A workflow may englobe one or more jobs.
The current user must have management level access rights (qualified internal users only).
With Codyt workflows are based on workflow profiles. With Standard, workflows are constructed from job dependencies.
(GET) /workflow/{id}/traces
URL parameters are:
id | The id which can be any of:
| string, Mandatory |
includejobs | Default: false. If true then the jobs results property is populated. | bool, Optional |
The resulting JSON object has these properties: Total number of traces. Array with the list of traces, see below. An object containing the persons referred to by the traces uid property. Note: See Persons List (Object) for details. If true then user can add new comments Each trace has these properties: The job status at the time. Numeric status, see Job Status The string job id to which this trace refers. The jobs object is a dictionary where the key is the string job id and the value an object as below: Branch language code and name. In general the branch locale is identical to the target locale. It may be different where a workflow involves a back translation or translation into pivot languages. Assignment details, see Job Assignment Details Example: count int items object[] persons object jobs An object with all referenced jobs. object canAdd bool cty Always "job" string traceid The ID of the trace. The format is "s229" + creation date, "s9938" + creation date string txt Optional message with the trace. Typically used with traces that are messages. string loc The locale to which the comment is attached. This can be a source or target locale. string loct The language name. string dt The date of the trace. datetime uid The user who triggered this event. Null if the user was deleted. int? tsk The task code to which this event is attached: RV, TR, PROOF string tskt The task name. string status int statust The job status title. string jid string edit True if the user is allowed to edit or delete the item. False, if no change is permitted. bool id The globally unique ID of the job (which encodes jobid + iscodyt) string jobid The numeric job id (unique for Standard and Codyt respectively) int iscodyt True: A Codyt job. False: A standard job. bool reference The reference of the job. With Codyt jobs this is the job's document name. string task The task code of the job (TR, RV...) string taskt The task title (Translation, Revision...) string src / srct Source language code and name string trg / trgt Target language code and name string branch / brancht string status The job status as a number. See Job Status int statust The job status name. string assignment "assignment"
: {
: 0,
"Fixed assignment"
: 334,
"Ultra Translations"
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