Job Assignment Details

Job Assignment Details

This object describes assignment details for a job.

The object has these properties:



0 = fixed assignment mode, 1 = open job proposal, 2 = crowd sourcing mode

modet The name of the mode. Example: "Fixed assignment" string

Null or the ID of the assigned company.

Note that if mode = 1, a job is still a proposal and never assigned yet.

If mode = 2, the job is not assigned neither since multiple people can work at the same time.

cnameNull or the name of the assigned company.string?

Null or the ID of the assigned person. If this value is set then "cid" is set as well.

Note that a job can be assigned to just a company without specifying a specific user. The exception is, of course, if a job is assigned to an in-house worker.


Null or the name of the assigned person.

To get full person details, use: persons/{personId}


When a job is assigned by a manager, this property is false. It is set to true as soon as the assigned company or person takes action such as: Accept job, Accept job proposal, Change status to In Progress, etc.

This flag is a useful indication for the manager as well as the assigned worker.




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