jobs/batch/update (POST)

To update status of a list of Standard job.

All parameters except jobs and status are optional.


(POST) /api/jobs/batch/update

The body must contain a JSON object with these properties:


The list of job id that needs to be updated.

The present method will fail if it is invalid or expired or it has the wrong type.

int[], Mandatory


Status of the job. See Job Status for status values.

int, Mandatory


Boolean that indicates:

  • true : save any changes to the jobs.

  • false : Check but do not save changes. This is useful during debugging, or, to just find out what changes could be done.

false by default.

bool, Optional


Notify suppliers by email where applicable. true by default.

bool, Optional


Message: For jobs with group or crowd assignments that remain unclaimed, the proposal will be redistributed to all eligible suppliers along with your message.

string, Optional

callbackurl, callback

Specify a URL which will be called upon success or failure of operation. This makes polling for operation status unnecessary. See Callbacks (with asynchronous operations)




The API method returns an Asynchronous operation result:

{ "trm": { "requestid":32230, "status":"Waiting", "statusText":"Waiting..." } }


You can poll the status or use the callback parameter. When the operation is complete, the results are in the result property

{ "trm": { "requestid": 32230, "isbatch": false, "status": "Finished", "statusText": "Finished!" }, "result": { "items": [ ****** RESULTS ****** ] }, "custom": null }


The result property is a JSON object:


A JSON object with a summary of import results and status.




The actions has four properties:

  • jobtype: It returns the job type.

  • jobid: The affected Job ID.

  • message: the message will be returned in case of success.

  • error: An error will be returned in case or failure.



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