

Push content updates to a flex document.


(POST) /api/apps/wbflex/documents/{id}/contents/push


URL parameters are:


Specify either a document ID (such as 1000) or a job ID (such as c300).

string, Mandatory

If set to true then the result of this method will include the cost of the push. To get this to work, some configuration will be required such as adding pricing information and enabling costing in the Wordbee project workflow.

Read more: Cost summary / Flex

bool, Optional
callbackurl, callback

Specify a URL which will be called upon success or failure of operation. This makes polling for operation status unnecessary. See Callbacks (with asynchronous operations)


The actual JSON payload that contains the instructions, the segments (or the files) have to be provided in either one of these options:

Multipart upload

Recommended approach:

Upload your payload as a JSON or ZIP archive (containing a single JSON) with the HTTP request using a multipart request.

Set Content-Type header to "multipart/form-data". The JSON content must be UTF-8 encoded.

To upload bigger files we recommend uploading a ZIP archive that contains the JSON file. This can substantially reduce the time to upload.

A Postman screenshot is added towards the end of this page. 

With a CURL command, the payload is specified with:

--form '=@"/C:/files/mypayload.wbflex"'

With the December 2024 release:

You can directly include the payload in the body.

Set the "Content-Type" to "application/json".

With a CURL command, the payload would be added using: --data { "header": ....  

--data { "header": ..... }  


Content is pushed in JSON format.

    "header": { ... },
    "segments": [ {...}, {...} ... ],
    "files": [ {...} ]

Checkout examples here: Push updates - JSON samples before digging deeper!


The header node has these properties, most of these are optional:


Specify if the file is a full update or a partial update:

  • full: The file contains all segments of the container. The system removes segments in the target flex document that are no longer referenced (or deprecates them for the chosen major/minor version).
  • partial: Use to update or add segments
string, Mandatory

Optional. Default string format to use with all segments (can be overridden by segment). If not specified the system assumes that the default is "plain".


Plain text content.


Use with HTML content. The system identifies markup and protects it against tampering in the translation editor. The segment will not be split at markup.


Similar to html_1 with one difference: Outermost enclosing markup is removed in the translation interface. Example:

String value: <p id="1"><span>Hello <b>world</b></span></p> 

Translation editor: Hello <b>world</b>

The format can be overridden individually per segment using the format property on segment level.

string?, Optional

titleOptionally title describing the content being pushed. For example "Inital update #334" or "Weekly update 40/2020". Visible in the Wordbee Flex document log. string?, Optional
majorOptional major version of pushed content, e.g. "2.3". It is visible in Wordbee, in the logs. Visible in the Wordbee Flex document log. string?, Optional
minorOptional minor version of pushed content, e.g. "8982".  It is visible in Wordbee, in the logs. Visible in the Wordbee Flex document log. string?, Optional

AdvancedAll options below are optional and permit to override options of the Flex filter configuration assigned to the Flex document. It is recommended to not override the filter configuration options.

Optional. With a source text change, reset status of all translations.

  • null/nil: Use default setting in the Wordbee Translation Flex File format configuration for the target document.
  • 0: Reset to normal.
  • 2: Set to red (error) status.
int?, Optional
targetTextChangeOptional. With a translation text change, reset status of translation. Same values as above.int?, Optional
targetTextAddOptional. With a new string added, set status of all translations. Same values as above.int?, Optional



  • Null or not specified (recommended): The system applies the segmentation rules from the Flex configuration that was used when the Flex container was created. This is the default and recommended setting..
  • srx: Apply SRX-based segmentation
  • none: Do not segment.
  • htmltags: Segment at the html tags specified in segmentationParams.

Note: When working with a specific Flex document, you should stick to a specific mechanism of segmentation. It should not be changed over time since this may lead to inconsistent splits of content.

string?, Optional

Optional. Required when segmentation above is set to htmltags.

Enumerate html tags at which segments shall be split. Example: "br span ul li".

string?, Optional


The segments node is an array of objects (per each segment):

keySegment keystring, Mandatory

Optional parent key after which to position the present segment. This property gives you full control over positioning of segments (e.g. when viewed in the translation editor)

Possible values are:

  • Property not included: If the segment is new it will be appended at the end of the flex container. If it already exists, its position will not change.
  • null: Same as when property is not included.
  • "": Empty string. The segment will be added in the top of the flex container (first position) 
  • (a key): The segment will added right after the segment with this key. If no such key exists, the segment is appended to the end.
string?, Optional

Optional component ID. You can use this field to group related keys. A component may be a web page ID, a software module namespace or any other grouping.

The benefit of using components is that you can pull segments by component ID (apps/wbflex/documents/{id}/contents/pull) or obtain the translation status of components.

Read more at: Components / Flex


Optional. If not specified inherits the format setting from the header node. See the latter for the different options. 

Default format of text content. If not specified the system assumes that the default is "plain".

string?, Optional

A dictionary of texts. The key is the locale and the value a text object, see below.

NOTE: You must supply at least 1 text object.

"texts": { "en": {...}, "fr": {...} }

Language codes (locales)

The locales (language codes) must be those defined in the project that contains the Flex file.

To download the list of all languages available in Wordbee Translator, use: settings/languages/codes

object, Mandatory

Custom fields to set.

If not specified or null: Custom fields will not be changed in the destination segment (if it exists already).

Empty array: Clears custom fields in destination segment.

Each array element has properties id (custom field ID) and v (custom field value).

object[]?, Optional

Optional. If not null then set the minimum character length for translations of this segment.

Values 0, 1, 2... to set the minimum length. Value -1 to remove any minimum length.

int?, Optional

Optional. If not null then set the minimum character length for translations of this segment.

Same options as above but the smallest maximum length is 1.

int?, Optional

Special instructions

Optionally update status of ALL segment translations.

Sample use case: You want translators to rework the translations because it was rejected by the content creators. Set status to red color.

Permitted values: 0 = reset to neutral (gray), 1 = reset to green (OK), 2 = reset to red (PROBLEM)

int?, Optional

Delete segment

Set to true if you want to explicitly delete this segment. In this case it is sufficient to provide the key property. All other properties are not needed.

An example can be found here: Push updates - JSON samples

(Note that in "full" mode, the system automatically deletes any segments in the flex document that are not included in the uplodaded JSON)

bool?, Optional


Each element in texts has these properties:


The text.

Special cases:

  • Set to null or omit the "v" property entirely: In this case the current text (if any) is not updated and left unchanged.
    Use if you only want to update meta-information like custom fields, comments or labels.

  • Set to "" (empty string): An existing text will be cleared.

string, Optional

Custom fields to set.

If not specified or null: Custom fields will not be changed in the destination text.

Empty array: Clears custom fields in destination text.

Each array element has properties id (custom field ID) and v (custom field value).

object[]?, Optional

Labels to set.

If not specified or null: Labels will not be changed in the destination text.

Empty array: Clears labels in destination text.

Labels (null if there are none). Each array element has properties id (label ID) and v (selected label value)

object[]?, Optional

Comments attached to text. An array of objects with these properties:

  • v: Comment text (mandatory)
  • cat: A numeric category of the comment (optional)
object[]?, Optional


Use this property to upload files and then have Wordbee extract segments using a format configuration in the platform.

For example, you can upload a multilingual Excel that contains the string keys and the texts in different columns.

For more details refer to: Pushing content - "files" property  


The operation may take more or less time depending on the amount of data to push. Therefore it is implemented as an asynchronous operation.

The API method returns an Asynchronous operation result:

  "trm": {

If the operation is not completed (status = Finished), you need to poll every few seconds until completion with requestid. When finished you obtain a token to download the JSON file:

	"trm": {
		"requestid": 32230,
		"status": "Finished",
		"statusText": "Finished!"
	"custom": {
		"result": { see documentation below }

The result node contains details on the push operation:

vThe text.string, Optional

Date of execution


true: Successful, false: Failed

errorsAn array of error messages, in case the operation failed.string[]
modeThe mode of the push operation (full, partial)string

An object describing the content found in the submitted JSON file:

  • segmentsTotal: Total pushed segments, including erroneous segments
  • segmentsErrors: Total pushed segments in file that are incorrect. Errors included in the errors list above.
  • segmentsSkipped: Total pushed segments excluded due to the Flex configuration,
  • header: A copy of the submitted header.

While pushing content to the target container, the system tracks the total container content scanned:

  • targetParagraphs: Total paragraphs in the target container. A paragraph may be split by segmentation into one or more target segments. In the case of a full update, the number of target paragraphs matches segmentsTotal
  • targetSegments: Total segments in the target container. This is always equal or above the target paragraphs count. It is above is one or more paragraphs are split (segmented).

This node then contains the actual target segments that were added to the container, updated in the container or removed from the target container:

  • total: Total segments added, modified or deleted.
  • totalAdded: Total new segments added to the Flex document.
  • totalUpdated: Total existing segments updated in the Flex document.
  • totalRemoved: Total existing segments removed from Flex document (or deprecated in new version)
  • totalInvalid: Counts segments that specify a translation but no source text and which key does not exist in the Flex document. Basically attempts to update a translation where the target Flex segment does not exist or was deleted previously. The first invalid keys are then included in totalInvalidKeys.
  • texts: Dictionary. Per each target locale, the number of text value changes or additions.
  • textsMeta: Dictionary. Per each target locale, the number of text meta data changes or additions.


Checkout Push updates - JSON samples for examples.

A typical result:

	"trm": {
		"requestid": 32230,
		"status": "Finished",
		"statusText": "Finished!"
	"custom": {
		"result": {
			"ts": "2019-05-29T13:24:54.7985528Z",
			"success": true,
			"errors": [],
			"mode": "partial",
			"source": {
				"segmentsTotal": 10,
				"segmentsErrors": 0,
				"segmentsSkipped": 1,
				"header": {
					"mode": "partial",
					"sourceTextChange": null,
					"targetTextChange": null,
					"targetTextAdd": null,
					"format": "plain",
					"major": "alpha",
					"minor": "2000"
			"updates": {
				"total": 0,
				"totalAdded": 1,
				"totalUpdated": 8,
				"totalRemoved": 0,
				"texts": {
					"en": 1, "de": 9
				"textsMeta": {


Multi-part uploads

If the method immediately returns an error that no file was uploaded, you probably did not use a multi-part upload. A typical CURL statement for doing so is:

curl --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
	--header "X-Auth-Token: xxxxxxd6-1ccb-4f3c-ae13-555842a871xx" \
	--header "X-Auth-AccountId: myplatform" \
	--request POST \
	--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" \
	--form "file=@/C:/folder/mystrings.json" \
	https://{{YOUR URL}}/api/apps/wbflex/documents/1447/contents/push

In "Postman" a multi-part upload is configured with these body settings:

Uploading zipped JSON content

Instead of uploading a plain JSON file you can upload a ZIP file which contains the JSON file.

We strongly recommend this for bigger files for performance and to not reach the maximum upload size limits.

curl --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
	--header "X-Auth-Token: xxxxxxd6-1ccb-4f3c-ae13-555842a871xx" \
	--header "X-Auth-AccountId: myplatform" \
	--request POST \
	--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW" \
	--form "file=@/C:/folder/mystrings.zip" \
	https://{{YOUR URL}}/api/apps/wbflex/documents/1447/contents/push

Parsing HTML content

To parse/push a flex file that contains html content you need to set the "format" property on the payload as one of the following:

Format "html_1":

With this format type, the system identifies markup and protects it against tampering in the translation editor. The segment will not be split at a markup.

Format "html_2":

Similar to html_1 with one difference: Outermost enclosing markup is removed in the translation interface. Example:

  • HTML code: <p id="1"><span>Hello <b>world</b></span></p> 
  • Translation editor: Hello <b>world</b>

HTML attributes

HTML attributes will not be extracted for translation in none of the modes. In case you need to extract the format this has to be done manually by extracting them into extra segments on the flex JSON file.

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Push updates - JSON samples
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